17 mars, 2011

The cold hearted bith called calf

Once upon a time there was this woman called Cleopatra.
She died.

Today I´ve been thinking of selling my legs as they hurt like a mottafakka!
But I did not.

Going to Anton now!

I hate children who can not impress me.

THis is chaz saying; fufufu

15 mars, 2011

Might there be true love in friends?

WHO KNOWZ! All I know is I´ve been longing for a friend that I can hold for real, and now I got one! AGAIN =) Isn´t that awesome? Am I lucky? Or do I create these friends myself by beeing such an awesome guy ? I´m not sure which one it is but I have a feeling that I am both awesome and lucky :)
Friendship is something equal to love for me and I treasure it as much.
MEEEH WTF! Just treasure ur friends and if ur lucky they might give u hair massage! :]

This is Chaz sayin: Truth is inside of you, not inside of others

10 mars, 2011

Colors vs Colours

I AM BACK! The English speaking captain from hell! I shall never write this blog in Swedish again! IT FUCKED THE DONKEY LIKE A VIRGIN! = AKA IT SUCKED

So now when english speaking lady is back! What shall we discuss?
I´ve been reading some old blog posts and laughed out loud! (LOL)
I was so much funnier when I wrote in english so I think I will keep on doing it. I can recommend reading my earlier posts in English. They are more awesome than a fish on crack, and that is bloody hard to beat!

On saturday me and Erica are having a parataaay over here! Theme is 90s! So my sisters husband Nicklas is going ask his BRO if he got some leather west left form ze 90s! I would rock that leather west!

But now back to the turtle world. What is the best way to kill a turtle? Please comment in the field below.

This is Chaz saying; Fuck the crayfish man. Long live propaganda man!