25 juni, 2008

Ohh today!!

I worked. 07-16,30.... Tired as hell now so it wont be a long text today..and my stomach hurts:( can´t someone friendly come and rub it?:(

anyway.. to sum the day up.

Worked. I walked into a wall, went panic and crazy in the laundry room... I fell when I walked on the sidewalk. And almost fell asleep at one of the elder ones..............................

I heard from a coworker that some elder wanna sleep with me.(oke not sleep wiuth me. but uye. my stomach hurts!) oke. she said if she were a "couple of years" younger then I would be super duper sexy. ( and again. I am exaggerating )

hmmm yes. Kalix had a visit from my ex. Hope she ran over all the mooses^^ *just kidding*!

And tomorrow I´m going to luleå. For some quality time with mahy friends. staying there til friday evening... ( so now u know)

hnn,, ywa.. now I´m gonna go read my book "ansiktet" some.. it poons.. or atleast there is alot of sex in it!

This is chaz. saying; watch the video

A perfect circle - Imagine (yes it´s a cover)

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