31 juli, 2008
30 juli, 2008
The day I met my savior. Was not today.
The day I was in luleå and had fun was today.
But let us start the story yesterday morning.
I woke up. Went tot the skärgård. Where I kinda spent my day.. 7 hours or so at the ocean! Can it be betteR?:d oh yea I could have spent it with wonderwoman I gues.. Or even bette.r with ...... Gillian Anderson. (sweeet)
Today I woke up about 8 o´clock. Used my toothbrush. And tried to iron my wet t-shirt (don´t got any naughty thoughts now! just cos I said wet t-shirt). oh well.. I can´t be best at everything. the ironing went to hell. And my t-shirt is still wet. I even tried to blow it( no dont even think about it) with my hairblower(?).. and it was an epic failure...
After this small disaster I went to the bussss where I met a busdriver. He drove the bus.
Then I met Marran. We ate BRUNCH( eeeek! my first brunch?=!) It was funfun. We both are so sexy! (atleast I am????). Then we met my sis and roberth and emil and aebbae. And then I weent with em to storheden where we met up nicklas and sis maria. We later went to my place, where we did some nice cakeeating madness.
I went to h&m . Bought some things I gonna wear at friday ( luleå kalseet) . And I´m gonna color my hair again now. Tired of it... Some atleast;d.. Gonna color it grey to the cold weinter. So I look like Mr.freeze from batman. ( look at the picture for his goodlooking face) ( yes it´s arnold)
Hmmm.......... I made dinner today. expensive shit. but this is not the time to talk about this! cos now mommy tells me she has started the MIXING of the coLOOORS!!!! OH NOo!!! I ghiotta hurry!!
This is chaz saying; My love is free, But my heart is not.
(see ya at friday millencolin!)
27 juli, 2008
Dedicated to wonderwoman.
Yaaa Home now. Just ate some bbq O_oO_o
Sooo.. Now.. I´m supersexy.. and... Having the time of my life. which kinda rules:)I´m gonna workout soon.. And then do my super scrub shower thingy:).. Bought some superexpensive scrub yesterday.. Or for me it was supersexpensive atleast. ( 130 kr or zooo) It´s called weleda or something;D
Hmm.. wot else.. yea. yesterday someone tried to give me moni.. AGAIN!! I´m like wtf... I just made u some meatballz!!!!
ooh... I´m missing some tounge .... I want some tounge.. ... gib me!!!
This is Chaz saying; I feel a disturbance in the force
Yaaa Home now. Just ate some bbq O_oO_o
Sooo.. Now.. I´m supersexy.. and... Having the time of my life. which kinda rules:)I´m gonna workout soon.. And then do my super scrub shower thingy:).. Bought some superexpensive scrub yesterday.. Or for me it was supersexpensive atleast. ( 130 kr or zooo) It´s called weleda or something;D
Hmm.. wot else.. yea. yesterday someone tried to give me moni.. AGAIN!! I´m like wtf... I just made u some meatballz!!!!
ooh... I´m missing some tounge .... I want some tounge.. ... gib me!!!
This is Chaz saying; I feel a disturbance in the force
26 juli, 2008
And i like beavis and butthead:D
HGmm.. News...
Sis and roberthhh and kiddiz are here! Superfun ! And my old room is looking strange;d
hnm.. mjea.. I got lunch now.. Began some GI thingy today. Eating eggs for my survival or so *-)
Hmm.. Yea.. I got u babe!! PEw pew =D
FEW HOURS LATER: I am back from work! Sitting here, enjoying the first video I posted today. vely nice. Gonna do my super workout soon. I´m feeling so sexy nowadays ^-^
Aniiiwaii. The day went supergood. I worked. I owned some old ppl. And one of em tried to give me monii. For the second day in row!.. I really must look like a prostitute? T_T
Some ppl go to helsingborg festivalen. I go to luleå kalaset instead!! Next week that is. Will be superfun^_^. Hopefully alot of ppl are willing to dance with me :) I like to dancE^_^ I dance .. alot.. I dance... good..I dance.. all night!!! weehaa!
Kitties are not to be trusted.
This is Chaz saying; I am sex. Think about that when you are having intercourse (Chaz) next time.
oke.. That´s just plain disgusting:(
24 juli, 2008
21 juli, 2008
Today. I worked.
And yea. Alot of stuff;d
Well anyway. I feel like writing something phunny. So I´ll make a poll!!:d *If I just figure out how to*.. hmm yes.. I got some secret help!! mihih
ah yea wtf
so funny:D haha ffs.. I feel so bad for that guy.. but hey it was funny:d to bad he got fired;D yeye I can´t write now.. damn it ;d funny:d
And now to the best lyrics in thw woerld;d
The water's edge
Is where she waits
Lost soul still wandering
Meant to die
But she's stuck not crossing over
The other side
Is where he waits
His spirit reaching out
Meant to save
But she's too scared
to take his hand
Living in a world without you
(drowning in the past)
Is living in no world at all
So now I call on you
Remember me?
I gave you life
You would not take it
Your suffering
was all in vain
It's almost over now
Don't turn your back on paradise
Feeling scared, she's prepared
To give up everything
She can't stand
to feel like half of her is fading
He will choose
the only way
To rid her of her pain
Take her soul now
The decision has been made
Living in a world without love
(a burden to my soul)
Is living in a worthless world
So I will call on you...
Remember me?
I gave you life
You would not take it
Your suffering
was all in vain
It's almost over
Remember me?
You were so young
How could I tell you?
Remember me?
I am the one
Who saved your life that night
I was the one
who would not abandon you
Even in death
I was the one
who would not leave you
I used my freedom to protect you
And all the while direct you
Do you remember me this time?
Even in death I gave you life
I gave you life
I wanted to deserve a place
A place beside you
This time when I reached out my hand
It reached all the way to heaven
Remember me?
I gave you life
You would not take it
Your suffering
was all in vain
It's almost over now
It's almost over now
It's time
I release you from this life
Don't turn your back on paradise
or well. best at the moiment.
19 juli, 2008
Weha!!! Long time no work!! wehaa!!
I´m in luleå. Going zexy etc.
Atm I´m watching Saw 2. Kinda pwnz:) or sux.. I havent decided yet ..
Earlier today me and claire had cleaning mayhem in mah apartment. Its super clean and super chilling:) I´ve been so fucked up in mah soul when It havent been clean. But still I havent done anythnig about it.. Í´m strange. But it feels very nice. Everythnig old is gone. And now I can finally(?) open my french balcony :). Kinda sweet air!!! And as a thanks for the cleaning help. I made dinner for me and Claire. Chicken a la Halli ( Chicken with paeneng curry and onion, lime, paprikKKA, salladonion(?!) wtf dunno the name for it :D.... I "Suited up" as they say in "how I met ur mottha" And so did Klär. We drank wine... or well. She did. I drank trocadero *-)... Gay wine.. But I felt grown up just by having wine home :)
After the dinner we saw "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay " Super funny movie trofl;D Learned myself a new trick from that movie that I will use as a "Halli move" from now on:)
Tomorrow Its party at hallis PLace. ur all welcome, and bring ur friends aswell!! The more the funnier!! There will be beer and Cider testing aswell as Sauna :)))
Hmm yea... MOvie started now. Guess I have to go and make room for my small blue boxershorts butt :)
This is Chaz saying; True feelings are those you can´t really feel or touch.
And yes. I´ve figured all these Chaz sayings all by myself!!! I am smart, sexy and very phunny :) Don´t forget that! Bay
I´m in luleå. Going zexy etc.
Atm I´m watching Saw 2. Kinda pwnz:) or sux.. I havent decided yet ..
Earlier today me and claire had cleaning mayhem in mah apartment. Its super clean and super chilling:) I´ve been so fucked up in mah soul when It havent been clean. But still I havent done anythnig about it.. Í´m strange. But it feels very nice. Everythnig old is gone. And now I can finally(?) open my french balcony :). Kinda sweet air!!! And as a thanks for the cleaning help. I made dinner for me and Claire. Chicken a la Halli ( Chicken with paeneng curry and onion, lime, paprikKKA, salladonion(?!) wtf dunno the name for it :D.... I "Suited up" as they say in "how I met ur mottha" And so did Klär. We drank wine... or well. She did. I drank trocadero *-)... Gay wine.. But I felt grown up just by having wine home :)
After the dinner we saw "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay " Super funny movie trofl;D Learned myself a new trick from that movie that I will use as a "Halli move" from now on:)
Tomorrow Its party at hallis PLace. ur all welcome, and bring ur friends aswell!! The more the funnier!! There will be beer and Cider testing aswell as Sauna :)))
Hmm yea... MOvie started now. Guess I have to go and make room for my small blue boxershorts butt :)
This is Chaz saying; True feelings are those you can´t really feel or touch.
And yes. I´ve figured all these Chaz sayings all by myself!!! I am smart, sexy and very phunny :) Don´t forget that! Bay
16 juli, 2008
15 juli, 2008
Long lunch day =)
I DONT WATCH PORn:( it gives me viruz! dont trust her!
Omfg I like had the best adventure of my life yesterday. Went to bed 05,00. Slept 1,5 hour. Work ^^...Damn u girl! =d
Update will come later today. when I slept for like 2 days..That´s not possible though. If u want the update today that is.. so ..maybe 1 hour atleast=D Fuck my calf is still spasming^^.. fuck it! why ?!?!
Anyway. Now I´ve slept at the computer. With my face at the keyboard. It didn´t feel nice.
I am happy for anton! He finally got his electric guitar and seems so happy about it :D*weeha*
Tomorrow I´m going to Luleå for some days ( wednesday - sunday). Will be funfun. But sry to say. I won´t have my wonderwoman with me :(...
But one day she will come! and then luleå. U have to watchout :) Cos then I´m gonna dance salsa all night, and drink wine and eat cheese .. and carrots. I guess.. Why do everyone think I´m into carrots? ffs... I´m just a normal guy .. with normal boy thoughts.. and feelings.. *sniff sniff*. I don´t wanna be mr carrot boy:(
This is Chaz saying; Love is like war, pew pew
14 juli, 2008

Every boy is dreaming of finding the ultimate porn site. Where is it ?
Is it free ? Maybe u have to pay? Is the ultimate porn site worth paying for ? Maybe even kill ur neighbours for? I´m just asking.. I don´t have the answers.. just the questions.. And I will never quit my search for it. Never.
I worked. Now I´m gonna eat. Then i´m gonna workout. Then I´m gonna search for the ultimate porn site.
This is chaz saying; I do not fear death, because I cannot die.
This song is from my flash movie :)
12 juli, 2008
This is the relax day
Like 5 hours of work. 4 hours of rest. ( sleep at work, sunbathing, and talking nonsense)
Video of the day is my super cool band called" queens of the stone age"
And well.. I´m kinda lazy today. I don´t feel like writing that much;D wrote to much for Minky already. Damn presentation. Took the writing power out of me:(
This is chaz saying; make moffins, not love.
Like 5 hours of work. 4 hours of rest. ( sleep at work, sunbathing, and talking nonsense)
Video of the day is my super cool band called" queens of the stone age"
And well.. I´m kinda lazy today. I don´t feel like writing that much;D wrote to much for Minky already. Damn presentation. Took the writing power out of me:(
This is chaz saying; make moffins, not love.
11 juli, 2008
Once upon a time, there was this girl, called ***** aka 5 star.
This girl made my bed look sweaty. Now... Its dry.
weeha they smell nice
Anyway. Got lunch now. sitting here with my musli, nektarin, and a crazy sandwhich. I like sitting here.
The call to my mysterious girl never reached reality, I fell asleep :( but today is a new day! and I will rise from the ashes of yesterday and beef my confidence up!
No one is online atm.. But hey ffs. i am so nervous!!!!
My apartment, the one I been standing in line for. Will end today!!! at 00,00!!.. and I´m nr2 in line ;d *halli doing the SWEEET noize* So everyone who reads this. Ur welcome to my super move in party ;d. If i get it that is.
Anyway. Soon work again. and then I´m going to dinner with mom, dad, sister 1, and her boifriend Nicklaz. Will be cool I guess!
Aooh yaa..ah.. ye,,, I finally finished the largest book I´ve ever read. It´s called "the face" and it kinda pwned! *or well, I donno... I´m not pro in books, but It kinda looked good I guess*
And there was alot of sexual stuff in it ^_^ Which I ofcourse Enjoyed deeeply.
This is chaz saying; There is no man/woman called God, it´s just an imaginary friend we have in our mind, who helps us through tough times.
Video of the day Is something explicit.
This girl made my bed look sweaty. Now... Its dry.
weeha they smell nice
Anyway. Got lunch now. sitting here with my musli, nektarin, and a crazy sandwhich. I like sitting here.
The call to my mysterious girl never reached reality, I fell asleep :( but today is a new day! and I will rise from the ashes of yesterday and beef my confidence up!
No one is online atm.. But hey ffs. i am so nervous!!!!
My apartment, the one I been standing in line for. Will end today!!! at 00,00!!.. and I´m nr2 in line ;d *halli doing the SWEEET noize* So everyone who reads this. Ur welcome to my super move in party ;d. If i get it that is.
Anyway. Soon work again. and then I´m going to dinner with mom, dad, sister 1, and her boifriend Nicklaz. Will be cool I guess!
Aooh yaa..ah.. ye,,, I finally finished the largest book I´ve ever read. It´s called "the face" and it kinda pwned! *or well, I donno... I´m not pro in books, but It kinda looked good I guess*
And there was alot of sexual stuff in it ^_^ Which I ofcourse Enjoyed deeeply.
This is chaz saying; There is no man/woman called God, it´s just an imaginary friend we have in our mind, who helps us through tough times.
Video of the day Is something explicit.
10 juli, 2008
Today was a day off!
Had 2 day off from work now;P
It has been super fun. Mainly I´ve worked out, played ps3, played chess and seen some movie:) To bad it has been so frikkin rainy:( wanted to go out the 2 days I couldT_T
Well I havent wroten that much the past days. Took some days off from the blog aswell;D as I see it as my work!!!
Soon i´ve read my book :p. Few pages left. which I saved for today ;). Yes I´m gonna call my secret girl today! first time. Weeil be so exciting? is that the word for it ? or special? or maybe even extra ordinary?:) who knows. All I know is that I will do my best to not embaress myself:)
Tomorrow is work day. And I was supposed to have a short vacation from work ( 1 week, starting monday) But apparently some bitch just had to get sick and now they called me!. so I have to work monday, tuesday and wednesday :(. But that´s good money;). And then I got vacation from wednesday til monday ;-p. Maybe someone wanna party party?
Well that will be enough for today!. Have to help out daddy with some "toilet cleaning" or something.
This is chaz saying; Life doesn´t always sex u in ur behind. But when it does, u can be sure of that it hurts.
Good memories! Sonata arctica in haparanda;D yes the audience is dead. But I headbanged and sang alot! ^_^
Had 2 day off from work now;P
It has been super fun. Mainly I´ve worked out, played ps3, played chess and seen some movie:) To bad it has been so frikkin rainy:( wanted to go out the 2 days I couldT_T
Well I havent wroten that much the past days. Took some days off from the blog aswell;D as I see it as my work!!!
Soon i´ve read my book :p. Few pages left. which I saved for today ;). Yes I´m gonna call my secret girl today! first time. Weeil be so exciting? is that the word for it ? or special? or maybe even extra ordinary?:) who knows. All I know is that I will do my best to not embaress myself:)
Tomorrow is work day. And I was supposed to have a short vacation from work ( 1 week, starting monday) But apparently some bitch just had to get sick and now they called me!. so I have to work monday, tuesday and wednesday :(. But that´s good money;). And then I got vacation from wednesday til monday ;-p. Maybe someone wanna party party?
Well that will be enough for today!. Have to help out daddy with some "toilet cleaning" or something.
This is chaz saying; Life doesn´t always sex u in ur behind. But when it does, u can be sure of that it hurts.
Good memories! Sonata arctica in haparanda;D yes the audience is dead. But I headbanged and sang alot! ^_^
09 juli, 2008
Can´t believe this band haven´t even done their first EP yet! this band åpwnz! They brought grunge back! I thank u ;D
And now a cover by pearl jam,. Last kiss :) sweet lyrics. That sometimes make me think abött stuff
08 juli, 2008
Today was workday. Then I went to luleå!!!! Went to luleå with maria and nicklas, they bought crazy shit playstation 3 :D with call of duty 4 ;D so after luleå we played it for some hours ;D*tihih*
Anyway . then I went to anton. finnished th emovie "delirious"
wonderful movie about love and stuff ;P gonna watch it again and again with everyone who wanna see it with me ^_^* just msg me * ;d
And finally claire can relax, *about frikkin time biotch* U made me nuts*
well.. I´m lazy now. so I write more tomorrow. no work for 2 days. = happy time
Movie of the day is.
It´s gosu.
This is chaz saying; I challenge u on a fight to the bed, with pillows.
EDIT! stone temple pilots - atlanta. most beautiful song evvah
Anyway . then I went to anton. finnished th emovie "delirious"
wonderful movie about love and stuff ;P gonna watch it again and again with everyone who wanna see it with me ^_^* just msg me * ;d
And finally claire can relax, *about frikkin time biotch* U made me nuts*
well.. I´m lazy now. so I write more tomorrow. no work for 2 days. = happy time
Movie of the day is.
It´s gosu.
This is chaz saying; I challenge u on a fight to the bed, with pillows.
EDIT! stone temple pilots - atlanta. most beautiful song evvah
07 juli, 2008
Video of the day is;
Always forcing some tears out of my small almost goblin like eyes! :'(
QAnyway nice vidoe. and nice day today. except the worst night ever and morning btw^^
Woke up , cos i had the worst dream I had in years. No details in here! But it wasn´t fun :(
Then I was just about to fall asleep when my alarm goes of. Time to wake up halli T_T
And I felt so angry and depressed after that shitty dream.. So i like.. felt bad the whole morning. My dreams are sometimes feeling so real that I actually think they happened^^ But just about now I realized that it was just a dream. But I can´t let go of one thing in my dream. The day 6th of august.. If someone is doing something special at that date. then tell me!! before it´s all to late for ya!
Well work today. kinda lazy day.. But its money and so.. strip my crown, I am still ur masteR!
This is chaz saying; Dreams should be recorded.
Always forcing some tears out of my small almost goblin like eyes! :'(
QAnyway nice vidoe. and nice day today. except the worst night ever and morning btw^^
Woke up , cos i had the worst dream I had in years. No details in here! But it wasn´t fun :(
Then I was just about to fall asleep when my alarm goes of. Time to wake up halli T_T
And I felt so angry and depressed after that shitty dream.. So i like.. felt bad the whole morning. My dreams are sometimes feeling so real that I actually think they happened^^ But just about now I realized that it was just a dream. But I can´t let go of one thing in my dream. The day 6th of august.. If someone is doing something special at that date. then tell me!! before it´s all to late for ya!
Well work today. kinda lazy day.. But its money and so.. strip my crown, I am still ur masteR!
This is chaz saying; Dreams should be recorded.
06 juli, 2008
I am feeling split in half. I have to make myself a favor and make the only right decision. I wished there was another way =/
I just need to learn how to shut up T_T Always had a fling for making a fool of myselfT_T doh. I will never do it again!
05 juli, 2008
Today was a day when I slept in luleå :)
It was SOOo frikkin nice to finally sleeep :D no time to make or so;D
ahh yea. it was nice. yesterday I worked. lawned the grazz and then I went to luleå. where i COLORED my hair!! pew pe!!! now I´m blonde :D and atm i´m sitting with my ashblond color in my hair ;D. soo.. in 10 minues I´m ashblond:).. And hmm
yea.. what more.. it hurts like #¤&¤%&¤%#¤
And.. Tonight Im gonna party like it was 1969. (´yes I´ve said that before, but dude.. it was such a good year)
Yes.. party.. at jenzo with friends and unknown ppl. will be fun ;d
and.. maybe I found myself an apartment :)
best video and musicartists ever! Manowar!
This is chaz saying; Don´t do drugs. Do me.
It was SOOo frikkin nice to finally sleeep :D no time to make or so;D
ahh yea. it was nice. yesterday I worked. lawned the grazz and then I went to luleå. where i COLORED my hair!! pew pe!!! now I´m blonde :D and atm i´m sitting with my ashblond color in my hair ;D. soo.. in 10 minues I´m ashblond:).. And hmm
yea.. what more.. it hurts like #¤&¤%&¤%#¤
And.. Tonight Im gonna party like it was 1969. (´yes I´ve said that before, but dude.. it was such a good year)
Yes.. party.. at jenzo with friends and unknown ppl. will be fun ;d
and.. maybe I found myself an apartment :)
best video and musicartists ever! Manowar!
This is chaz saying; Don´t do drugs. Do me.
04 juli, 2008
03 juli, 2008
Hoooowdy! Today was such a nice day! the sun was SOOOOO nice! and warm ofc. well to sumarize it quickly. I worked 7-16. (last day tomorrowm, then finally I can rest my body and soul some!* I´ve worked 7 days in row :/ *) Anyway-. yes. I worked. then I got home. went on a jogging trip ;d Was uber hot so I ran without shiRT!!! or yea. I´m never running with shirt on, but still. It was sexy for those who saw it. *yes I am talking to u mr flower and mr tree*
Then after this exhausting experience I went home, Ate turkey and chicken. barbequed ofc^_^ it was super nice and tasty :d
And.,.,. after this I went to the skärgård! dunno engliush word;)
It was like 27 degrees in the sun and 17,5 in the water (we were at the ocean). So I almost wanted to jump in!
I lied in the boat, on some cover, looking up at the sky. Saw all the beautiful clouds, moving like they didn´t know anything else. Or well . They don´t I guess.. But it was such a beautiful sight. Made me think about alot of things that i´m not gonna take up here!*cos my brain wont let me*
Now I´m home. Sitting here. And soon watching reaper @ tv. Will be fun. I guess.. Tomorrow it´s luleå time and will be staying til sunday. myea.. Kinda tired now so just enjoy the video plz, think about ur friends and loved ones. Keep em close before they dissapear into the clouds, drifting away from ur horizon :)
This is Chaz saying; Clouds are white. So is cocain. SOMETHING GOING ON HERE?!
For everyone who lost a friend or someone they have hold close and tight ^-^. Myea Eddie pwnz!
I´ve used hammers made out of wood.
I have played games with pieces and rules.
I undeciphered tricks at the bar, but now youre gone.
I havent figured out why.
Ive come up with riddles and jokes about war.
I figured out numbers and what theyre for.
Ive understood feelings and Ive understood words but how could you be taken away?
And wherever youve gone and wherever we might go.
It dont seem fair. today just disappeared.
Your light reflected now. reflected from afar.
We were but stones. your light made of stars.
With heavy breath awakened regrets.
Back pages and days that could have been spent together but we were miles apart.
Every inch between us becomes light years now.
No time to be void or save up on life.
Oh, you got to spend it all.
And wherever youve gone and wherever we might go.
It dont seem fair. you seam to like it here.
Your light reflected now. reflected from afar.
We were but stones. your light made of stars.
And wherever youve gone and wherever we might go.
It dont seem fair. today just disappeared.
Your lights reflected now. reflected from afar.
We were by stones. your light made of stars.
Then after this exhausting experience I went home, Ate turkey and chicken. barbequed ofc^_^ it was super nice and tasty :d
And.,.,. after this I went to the skärgård! dunno engliush word;)
It was like 27 degrees in the sun and 17,5 in the water (we were at the ocean). So I almost wanted to jump in!
I lied in the boat, on some cover, looking up at the sky. Saw all the beautiful clouds, moving like they didn´t know anything else. Or well . They don´t I guess.. But it was such a beautiful sight. Made me think about alot of things that i´m not gonna take up here!*cos my brain wont let me*
Now I´m home. Sitting here. And soon watching reaper @ tv. Will be fun. I guess.. Tomorrow it´s luleå time and will be staying til sunday. myea.. Kinda tired now so just enjoy the video plz, think about ur friends and loved ones. Keep em close before they dissapear into the clouds, drifting away from ur horizon :)
This is Chaz saying; Clouds are white. So is cocain. SOMETHING GOING ON HERE?!
For everyone who lost a friend or someone they have hold close and tight ^-^. Myea Eddie pwnz!
I´ve used hammers made out of wood.
I have played games with pieces and rules.
I undeciphered tricks at the bar, but now youre gone.
I havent figured out why.
Ive come up with riddles and jokes about war.
I figured out numbers and what theyre for.
Ive understood feelings and Ive understood words but how could you be taken away?
And wherever youve gone and wherever we might go.
It dont seem fair. today just disappeared.
Your light reflected now. reflected from afar.
We were but stones. your light made of stars.
With heavy breath awakened regrets.
Back pages and days that could have been spent together but we were miles apart.
Every inch between us becomes light years now.
No time to be void or save up on life.
Oh, you got to spend it all.
And wherever youve gone and wherever we might go.
It dont seem fair. you seam to like it here.
Your light reflected now. reflected from afar.
We were but stones. your light made of stars.
And wherever youve gone and wherever we might go.
It dont seem fair. today just disappeared.
Your lights reflected now. reflected from afar.
We were by stones. your light made of stars.
02 juli, 2008
text will be attached later. Cya.
Text will be attached. NOW
Soo. My day. Work 07-16. It rained at the morning So i brought my umbrella and so on with me.
I felt so nice. When I did it :)
When I had lunch ( had uber long lunch 2,5 hours) The sun broke free from the clouds and shined all DAY! wee haa!! happy ending! But life is a bitch ! So the sun shined 2 hour or so. So I thought wee haa. sun sun. no umbrella needed! So i sat on a bench. Sunbathing my whoole sexy body ( I´ve lost 8kg now ^_^)
And then suddenly it started raining and thunder brake loose! IT WAS MADNESS ! I ran and I ran! To find myself some shelter. Cars where flying by me in the air, I had to dodge them one by one.
After work I worked out ( with crosstrainer and some bodypump exercises ;D) Got uber sweaty and I felt SOO GOOD!111oneoneeleven
Then I shopped some. Looked at the thunder. It´s so beautifuol:) I just love the tHUNDAH!!
Now I´m watching Eli stone. Some funny program at kanal ´5 ;D
Ooh.. what else.. Kinda slowmoving day I guess.. Oh yea. mom and dad came home from s-vall. Dads toe looked fucked up from the fall he made:D
Gii............ Going to luleå on friday! ^_^.. to sunday or something. When dad´s gonna have some birthday party with lots of hot girls and so on :)
This is Chaz saying; Death is not the end for your body.
01 juli, 2008
Today was one of those days. U know. When u work. and workout . fall asleep at the computer and waking up just cos of the damn arm has fallen asleep alot more faster than u did.
That can summarize my day kinda good :)
Oh well the day isn´t over yet. Anton is coming over here, to watch some EHL!^_^
And here I am sitting, in my pyjamas, listening to the song/video I´m gonna post here in just some minutes!
Oh.. What more.. I did some crazy body peeling in the shower.. and uyea.. It was nice.. *boring huh*..
And I made food! some chicken with crazy thingS!
Aaaand.. waah I sex ur turtle in the butt cos he looked at me in a disgusting way.
This is Chaz saying; Don´t forget your father at the airport.
Oh yes. the video t_T
Kickass lyrics :)
That can summarize my day kinda good :)
Oh well the day isn´t over yet. Anton is coming over here, to watch some EHL!^_^
And here I am sitting, in my pyjamas, listening to the song/video I´m gonna post here in just some minutes!
Oh.. What more.. I did some crazy body peeling in the shower.. and uyea.. It was nice.. *boring huh*..
And I made food! some chicken with crazy thingS!
Aaaand.. waah I sex ur turtle in the butt cos he looked at me in a disgusting way.
This is Chaz saying; Don´t forget your father at the airport.
Oh yes. the video t_T
Kickass lyrics :)
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