Long lunch day =)
I DONT WATCH PORn:( it gives me viruz! dont trust her!
Omfg I like had the best adventure of my life yesterday. Went to bed 05,00. Slept 1,5 hour. Work ^^...Damn u girl! =d
Update will come later today. when I slept for like 2 days..That´s not possible though. If u want the update today that is.. so ..maybe 1 hour atleast=D Fuck my calf is still spasming^^.. fuck it! why ?!?!
Anyway. Now I´ve slept at the computer. With my face at the keyboard. It didn´t feel nice.
I am happy for anton! He finally got his electric guitar and seems so happy about it :D*weeha*
Tomorrow I´m going to Luleå for some days ( wednesday - sunday). Will be funfun. But sry to say. I won´t have my wonderwoman with me :(...
But one day she will come! and then luleå. U have to watchout :) Cos then I´m gonna dance salsa all night, and drink wine and eat cheese .. and carrots. I guess.. Why do everyone think I´m into carrots? ffs... I´m just a normal guy .. with normal boy thoughts.. and feelings.. *sniff sniff*. I don´t wanna be mr carrot boy:(
This is Chaz saying; Love is like war, pew pew
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