Well Anyway! My right foot is crushed!! (::( That bitch just won´t walk!! I hit the boxing sack wrong! with my ankle or wtf it´s called.. That part*pointing*
Well what more. Yes. Lillfjun is coming a week earlier than expected! weehaa!:d Longing for her:( Kinda shitty to have her 920 kilometers away :( But soon she will come! and live here!;D just like an apple in the wind. Slowly and gently avoiding the dark dagger of hatred!
This is Chaz saying; Lure the butterfly into the ant nest. And thy shall watch it be eaten.
1 kommentarer:
Naaaw sötboll! ^^ Jag har allt jag behöver också - dig, men som sagt alldeles för långt bort... jag jobbar dock på det ;)
Angående youtubeklippet - FATTAR INTE ATT MAN ENS KAN HITTA SÅ MÅNGA SÅ BRA STEPPDANSARE! Att sedan ha dem i SAMMA SHOW är ju helt otroligt :D *vill se*
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