12 december, 2008
11 december, 2008
Alone in the abscence of the truth
The first time you fall in love, the rest seems to fade out in the longing of your sweethearts touch. But one day u come to see the truth behind the mask u set up, curious u go out and put a foot on the other side of the fence, finding a whole new world in front of u, small baby steps against the better u.
Dota tajm. Najt najt hun
Dota tajm. Najt najt hun
01 december, 2008
Forever after
Tomorrow my life will take another twist, twirl, direction, path, chose ur own word^_^
And it´s not towards something bad, evil, catastrophic, turmoil, fucked, again. Choose ur word:D
My name came up in the calender yesterday... It was MY day!!!
Today I´m gonna eat tacos, for the second day in row^_^
Today I´m gonna watch Boston Tea party,
Today I´m gonna watch myself gettin pregnant. NOOOT
Today I´m gonna watch zack and Miri Make A Porno ( TRUE )
Today I´m gonna please myself one last time before Erica comes and enjoys my penis to new levels.
Today Today today!!
TOMORROW on the other hand, I´m gonna go shop with Jenz the crazy german dude who isn´t german, but still german. And I´m gonna... gonna.. write some schooolwork, and.. fix myself rdy for Ericas arrival^_^
OOHh what more.. I bought a new comp desk.. Which poonz.. And.. so on.. yea..
I´m glad that I got so many good friends which I can talk crap with, aswell that I got a kickass family that I can talk even more crap with, and a super cool girlfriend that I can talk crap with. AND SEXY TIME WITH!! Ultimate girlfriend, she´s my hotdog:o
Annnd now for the video!!
This is Chaz saying; Lord knows why you are gay
Without frustration
With no master plan
With nothing left of the dream that began
If only we could see and live the dream
If only we could still believe the dream
And it´s not towards something bad, evil, catastrophic, turmoil, fucked, again. Choose ur word:D
My name came up in the calender yesterday... It was MY day!!!
Today I´m gonna eat tacos, for the second day in row^_^
Today I´m gonna watch Boston Tea party,
Today I´m gonna watch myself gettin pregnant. NOOOT
Today I´m gonna watch zack and Miri Make A Porno ( TRUE )
Today I´m gonna please myself one last time before Erica comes and enjoys my penis to new levels.
Today Today today!!
TOMORROW on the other hand, I´m gonna go shop with Jenz the crazy german dude who isn´t german, but still german. And I´m gonna... gonna.. write some schooolwork, and.. fix myself rdy for Ericas arrival^_^
OOHh what more.. I bought a new comp desk.. Which poonz.. And.. so on.. yea..
I´m glad that I got so many good friends which I can talk crap with, aswell that I got a kickass family that I can talk even more crap with, and a super cool girlfriend that I can talk crap with. AND SEXY TIME WITH!! Ultimate girlfriend, she´s my hotdog:o
Annnd now for the video!!
This is Chaz saying; Lord knows why you are gay
Without frustration
With no master plan
With nothing left of the dream that began
If only we could see and live the dream
If only we could still believe the dream
24 november, 2008
A day with a friend
Yesterday I ate at clairitys place, it pwned. hot sausage with potatoes!! vely najz
And today I spent all day with anton! watched funny movies, laughed crazy, and had a sword fight with funny sounds! And suddenly I had a laugh attack cos of a crazy joke I did! It was hilarious! in Swedish it sounded something like this.. " Kolla, där är den där lampan! Den som går mot strömmen" after that I couldn´t stop laughing :d
Ohh well.. What more.. Anton sleeping in myu bed now.. and I´m sittin here ^_^ alert and speeded by the cough med *-*
OOh.. I wanna upload a pic I think.. Just gotta find some cute one.. *away for pic lookin*

Well This is Chaz saying; "Personally it´s not God I dislike, it´s his fanclub"
And today I spent all day with anton! watched funny movies, laughed crazy, and had a sword fight with funny sounds! And suddenly I had a laugh attack cos of a crazy joke I did! It was hilarious! in Swedish it sounded something like this.. " Kolla, där är den där lampan! Den som går mot strömmen" after that I couldn´t stop laughing :d
Ohh well.. What more.. Anton sleeping in myu bed now.. and I´m sittin here ^_^ alert and speeded by the cough med *-*
OOh.. I wanna upload a pic I think.. Just gotta find some cute one.. *away for pic lookin*
Well This is Chaz saying; "Personally it´s not God I dislike, it´s his fanclub"
17 november, 2008
I will not prevail.
Video of planetarion.. but.. It´s not from planetarion, but from the tv show Battlestar gallactica.... But hey. U can´t get everything:D
Today I walked. With Claire. Later I Enjoyed my silent pc. It´s Noiseless. I love it. Then I made some super food, Wook with salmon, which pwned. And bulgur ofc.
Garr. Yesterday, or last night, I had cybersex with Erica. It was nice. I enjoyed it very much, even though the real thing is alot better I guess. So is Real Salmon.
My throat still sux,.Or I think it´s gettin better actually =). So I made some sweet pushups from bed to floor, kinda pwnz. Try it.
Well Well.. I better go prepare something for my Happy hour with "Boston Tea Party":)
The heaven shall tremble :)
This is Chaz saying; Happiness is given to those who eat Kalix löjrom
12 november, 2008
Maybe extraterrestrial?
extraterrestrial life is not something we talk about, cheesedoodles on the other hand is a subject that very often come to our minds in times like these.
Therefore I now declare this blog to be Pr0n free(pORN for u normal ppl). Exceptions are, Beastiality and Retro porn.
This is chaz sayin; Looking for the future, not the past
Therefore I now declare this blog to be Pr0n free(pORN for u normal ppl). Exceptions are, Beastiality and Retro porn.
This is chaz sayin; Looking for the future, not the past
10 november, 2008
Back 2 School
I am not your kid, I am not your father. I am Chaz. I am... Lord.. of... TEROOOORR!!*!GRARRWR*
Soo.. Erica has been to mah place since last time I wrote.. It pwned! and she´s moving to mah city of luleå very soon!:O First she´s gonna live at mah place, until she get her own apartment, WEHHAA!! will be cheap living for me! 2 ppl sharing rent pwnZ!!?
The video pwnz. keke? Deftonez kinda *GRARTRWRE*
Hmm. The caugh is still here:( kinda suxx.. Will never be completly cured. Think it´s one of those " I will stick with u forever, cos ur so cute" thingies:(:(
Sittin´at momz computer atm, thinking of doin some workout soon! woiuld be cool, laterz I´m gonna cook some cool dinnah for mom and dad, and then I will go to Anton and watch Wanted. Again. But it pwnz. so np.
Ooh waat else.. Dunno.. Dingling dangling penis.
This is Chaz sayin; Teh comfort of lies
01 november, 2008
We will be the ones.
I don´t wanna come down from this cloud!
cause I don't wanna come back down from this cloud
it's taken me all this time to find out what I need
And I'm doing fine now
DUUDDE yesterday was like.. Yea.. I was like partyin like it would be 1699!! (or sumthin) many funny memories! And congratz to Claire whose gettin married !*pwned*
Longing for my biatch :( Come here already ;d ...
I wanna dance dance dance!!
And yez the text from my last post was not any song! It´s written by me and maybe it will envelope into a song someday!
Trapped inside his tiny body, The gay one is.
Well now I´m gonna write some to the oral presentation shit I have 2 do at .. someday. But Hey. It´s gonna be fine! Lillfjun is here then :-p
This is Chaz saying; Papa Smurf didn't create Smurfette. Gargamel did. She was sent in as Gargamel's evil spy with the intention of destroying the Smurf village. But the overwhelming goodness of the Smurf way of life transformed her. And as for the whole gang-bang scenario, it just couldn't happen. Smurfs are asexual. They don't even have... reproductive organs under those little, white pants. It's just so illogical, you know, about being a Smurf. You know, what's the point of living... if you don't have a dick?
30 oktober, 2008
Mr Right?
Or Maybe I should call myself Mr.Caugh. Got some shitty Caugh that seems to be held in my breast area. Feels like someone is ripping my interials apart everytime :( Sux sux. big time sux!! I can´t get sick again:( I wont!! GRRRAARR warcry!!
SOOOMMEEEBOODII Sav miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Argh spent some days in kalix now. Beeing Chaz the dog watcher I´ve done alot of naughty stuffs. Not with the dog.. Or anyone else.. Or well.. Haven´t done that much naughty thingies I guess.. I´ve been with my sis Maria and Edwin all yesterday, we took a walk, made lunch, dinner etc etc. Laughed alot and talked shit;D. I slept on the livingroom couch =D IT PWNED!! or well. maybe alittbleeleliit! small! but Hey..Chaz Is small!! or well. Not ALL PARTS OF HIM !!*BLINK BLIIIINK!!!*
Soo.. Today I´m going back to Luleee. Rdy for the things that shall come. For Halloween! For Erica! For LOOOOOOOVEE!!*weepop sound*
I Feel but cannot speak this emotion inside of me
Falling down my spine, reaching my stomach just to explode
Explode into millions of butterflies trying to escape
Making it tickle, making it hard not to believe this is love
Butterflies becoming nails, penetrating my whole body they have to get out
Nails making holes, holes screaming out your name
Ill let you inside, if you fullfill my wish
my wish that this dream will never end.
Im not alone, nor are you
Now . Touch me turtle.
Halloween tomorrow guyz! kinda pwn????????? yes Ill be the cool monk with the Kings staff of sorcery!!! Must pwn?! I will banish everyone who comes in my way!
Baah I wish I had some cool superpower!!! I truly do! Like.. Time traveling would be cool.. Or Super speed.. Or flying.. or.. or.. or.. hmm.. Makin vortexes=D That would be sweet
I ordered some cool shit from mom and dad ! They are in Svall atm So they will got to Ikea. Buying me some coole shelves and showecabbin thingy holder, and maybe even a cool computer desk. if they find some big one =D I need it to fit my superbig mousepad From Razzzoor!!*Grrar* its sweet..
Well well boi.
Weeoppzi daizi Soon I´m going to Luleå. I better make myself zome food !
This is Chaz saying; Blurred images are blurred by a good fokkin reason. Don´t try to sharpen em!
SOOOMMEEEBOODII Sav miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Argh spent some days in kalix now. Beeing Chaz the dog watcher I´ve done alot of naughty stuffs. Not with the dog.. Or anyone else.. Or well.. Haven´t done that much naughty thingies I guess.. I´ve been with my sis Maria and Edwin all yesterday, we took a walk, made lunch, dinner etc etc. Laughed alot and talked shit;D. I slept on the livingroom couch =D IT PWNED!! or well. maybe alittbleeleliit! small! but Hey..Chaz Is small!! or well. Not ALL PARTS OF HIM !!*BLINK BLIIIINK!!!*
Soo.. Today I´m going back to Luleee. Rdy for the things that shall come. For Halloween! For Erica! For LOOOOOOOVEE!!*weepop sound*
I Feel but cannot speak this emotion inside of me
Falling down my spine, reaching my stomach just to explode
Explode into millions of butterflies trying to escape
Making it tickle, making it hard not to believe this is love
Butterflies becoming nails, penetrating my whole body they have to get out
Nails making holes, holes screaming out your name
Ill let you inside, if you fullfill my wish
my wish that this dream will never end.
Im not alone, nor are you
Now . Touch me turtle.
Halloween tomorrow guyz! kinda pwn????????? yes Ill be the cool monk with the Kings staff of sorcery!!! Must pwn?! I will banish everyone who comes in my way!
Baah I wish I had some cool superpower!!! I truly do! Like.. Time traveling would be cool.. Or Super speed.. Or flying.. or.. or.. or.. hmm.. Makin vortexes=D That would be sweet
I ordered some cool shit from mom and dad ! They are in Svall atm So they will got to Ikea. Buying me some coole shelves and showecabbin thingy holder, and maybe even a cool computer desk. if they find some big one =D I need it to fit my superbig mousepad From Razzzoor!!*Grrar* its sweet..
Well well boi.
Weeoppzi daizi Soon I´m going to Luleå. I better make myself zome food !
This is Chaz saying; Blurred images are blurred by a good fokkin reason. Don´t try to sharpen em!
24 oktober, 2008
I am Chaz. I am sex. Think of that everytime ur having sexual intercourse with ur partner.
21 oktober, 2008
Passsionnatee laaa haallii ?:O
Am I the most beautiful man alive or is it just me ? I get everyone I want. I can even get YOU with a blink of my eye. But I don´t want YOU . I want HER. I got HER. and NOW I´m satisfied! No.. I´m more than just satisfied.. I am.. .. I am.. I´m not sure.. Overwhelmed by emotions of the positive kind? I .. Lub it!
Well Anyway! My right foot is crushed!! (::( That bitch just won´t walk!! I hit the boxing sack wrong! with my ankle or wtf it´s called.. That part*pointing*

Well what more. Yes. Lillfjun is coming a week earlier than expected! weehaa!:d Longing for her:( Kinda shitty to have her 920 kilometers away :( But soon she will come! and live here!;D just like an apple in the wind. Slowly and gently avoiding the dark dagger of hatred!
This is Chaz saying; Lure the butterfly into the ant nest. And thy shall watch it be eaten.
Well Anyway! My right foot is crushed!! (::( That bitch just won´t walk!! I hit the boxing sack wrong! with my ankle or wtf it´s called.. That part*pointing*
Well what more. Yes. Lillfjun is coming a week earlier than expected! weehaa!:d Longing for her:( Kinda shitty to have her 920 kilometers away :( But soon she will come! and live here!;D just like an apple in the wind. Slowly and gently avoiding the dark dagger of hatred!
This is Chaz saying; Lure the butterfly into the ant nest. And thy shall watch it be eaten.
19 oktober, 2008
This is chaz! on his new computer thingy! it wpnz so much. I´m sooo in love T_T
And dude.. my apartment lookz great. new carpet, new candle thingies.. and all.. dude.. new computer chair!!! that is so bestr!!! omg.. I lob myself! and I totally adore my Erica so much :)
Well well.. Today.. I wrote my Analyze shit to the group, and corrected every Shitty "Man" and "så" .. Damn nubz! They knooww nootthiniin!!
Now I´m gonna hang up my Zelda poster and then I´m going for a walk with Claire the punk.
Baah I want to believe!!!
This is Chaz saying; Madness is just another name for Love
The one and onlY!!! Pearl Jam - Nothing as it seems. PWNAGE! aah.. orgasm..
And dude.. my apartment lookz great. new carpet, new candle thingies.. and all.. dude.. new computer chair!!! that is so bestr!!! omg.. I lob myself! and I totally adore my Erica so much :)
Well well.. Today.. I wrote my Analyze shit to the group, and corrected every Shitty "Man" and "så" .. Damn nubz! They knooww nootthiniin!!
Now I´m gonna hang up my Zelda poster and then I´m going for a walk with Claire the punk.
Baah I want to believe!!!
This is Chaz saying; Madness is just another name for Love
The one and onlY!!! Pearl Jam - Nothing as it seems. PWNAGE! aah.. orgasm..
12 oktober, 2008
yoyo fellow nabz! This is Chaz writing to the ppl. And the ppl just happenz to be u!!!:O So listen well and take my advice. Get popcorn cos here comez some dirty picz!!
Me, Some guy we called H I think.. And Jenz ofc!! With our devil thingy!!1*with poiinty teeeths*

The Host Johan doing his dirty poze

Elin my lovli old neighbour and friend and her friend Anna. Both super fun!

Chazy doing his super pozE!

Pure love! or? YEA!!!

This is Chaz saying: Pandas are not to be eaten.
Me, Some guy we called H I think.. And Jenz ofc!! With our devil thingy!!1*with poiinty teeeths*
The Host Johan doing his dirty poze
Elin my lovli old neighbour and friend and her friend Anna. Both super fun!
Chazy doing his super pozE!
Pure love! or? YEA!!!
This is Chaz saying: Pandas are not to be eaten.
Yooo! I am tired. IO am So fookin tired on walkin.. I am angry on walking.. I hate it.. I came home.. Just to discover that I had my keys @jenz...,. And at that time I was so fokkkin tired and glad to get home... but no no... I had to walk 40 minz more .. T_T.. So.. Now I´m writing this shit,... naaj.. I need o watch some x files. drink some water. and Think some on erica. She pwnz.. Nighty nighty everyone! even u. Bug lover.
This is Chaz saying: Paradise is something u create. Not something u find.
This is Chaz saying: Paradise is something u create. Not something u find.
08 oktober, 2008
Chaz is back!!:O
Hello children! New blog design! Thought it would be nice and good now when halloween is closing in on us :)
Soo.. Where to fokkin start?..
Last week I spent in Stockholm at Lillfjunz PLace!! It pwned and I miss her like shit_(:
We did crasy shit stuff like.. Extra extra. Bowliong, Bandit partiii, city walking, dog walkin and alot of sexual stuff!!:O
I went home last wednesday :(:(. I was sad. I cried, and I felt shitty :(.. But then an angel from AUSTRIA!! shun on me! Me. Halli. The lost boy of The Hallikainen cult. It was Erica!!! The day was thursday!!!:O.. and now.. She+s gone again:(:(.. But we had alot of fun !! We partied, we went to finland, we supped mom and dad and ate Italian Bufee!!:O Kinda pwnzED. Today /yesterday we were awake all night and day !!:O We saw some movies, had loads of sex and other bogus. As Body combat and even more seX!!! She´s such a sexual demon!!
Claire. U saw Naruto ... Without me.. But I forgive u. For some moffinz :$$$ keke??
When Erica went home today, (8ish or so) I fell asleep immeditly. Not even time for a quick wank. I was so wasted!;( She even left me a note at the floor, with some lovli words written on it. Made me miss her even more. U Biatch. U need to be spanked.
Ohh well What else.. Ya Maria teh ex was here just some minz ago. We ate and saw a movie. Which I already seen but hey. It´s a good movie!! ( Harold and kumar 2)It was nice to see her again, even though I didn´t get any moffins. Cmon Ppl.. I want moffinz.. How hard can it beee?!?!?!!?!?!
Hmm What else.. yea I bought myself the coolest Halloween costume ever!! I´m not gonna tell u what! Even if most of u already know what I gues... But hey.. maybe there is some outlandish creature reading this, That I´m not aware of. Maybe he´s spying on me as I´m writing this!!:O Who knowz... Dude NOW I got craziiily scared!!:(.. Now I´ll shower, wank and hope for the best.
This is Chaz saying; The road to turmoil is closer than u might think, Just ask.. Ur granddiepaa
Soo.. Where to fokkin start?..
Last week I spent in Stockholm at Lillfjunz PLace!! It pwned and I miss her like shit_(:
We did crasy shit stuff like.. Extra extra. Bowliong, Bandit partiii, city walking, dog walkin and alot of sexual stuff!!:O
I went home last wednesday :(:(. I was sad. I cried, and I felt shitty :(.. But then an angel from AUSTRIA!! shun on me! Me. Halli. The lost boy of The Hallikainen cult. It was Erica!!! The day was thursday!!!:O.. and now.. She+s gone again:(:(.. But we had alot of fun !! We partied, we went to finland, we supped mom and dad and ate Italian Bufee!!:O Kinda pwnzED. Today /yesterday we were awake all night and day !!:O We saw some movies, had loads of sex and other bogus. As Body combat and even more seX!!! She´s such a sexual demon!!
Claire. U saw Naruto ... Without me.. But I forgive u. For some moffinz :$$$ keke??
When Erica went home today, (8ish or so) I fell asleep immeditly. Not even time for a quick wank. I was so wasted!;( She even left me a note at the floor, with some lovli words written on it. Made me miss her even more. U Biatch. U need to be spanked.
Ohh well What else.. Ya Maria teh ex was here just some minz ago. We ate and saw a movie. Which I already seen but hey. It´s a good movie!! ( Harold and kumar 2)It was nice to see her again, even though I didn´t get any moffins. Cmon Ppl.. I want moffinz.. How hard can it beee?!?!?!!?!?!
Hmm What else.. yea I bought myself the coolest Halloween costume ever!! I´m not gonna tell u what! Even if most of u already know what I gues... But hey.. maybe there is some outlandish creature reading this, That I´m not aware of. Maybe he´s spying on me as I´m writing this!!:O Who knowz... Dude NOW I got craziiily scared!!:(.. Now I´ll shower, wank and hope for the best.
This is Chaz saying; The road to turmoil is closer than u might think, Just ask.. Ur granddiepaa
25 september, 2008
Scoootu!!! Hello!!! yooy! According to Claire the poxfox, I´m oftenly traveling inside my head, instead of beeing present here in this world;/;/.. Waag,, What´s that!! Pure lajz!!?! Oke.. Maybe sometimez;d.. But hey.. Take my hand!ZZ_TT_!!! BPOINk!!
Today I´m in Kalchuu.. Just excercisedzed my bodiez.Yez in plural.
And then I showed the shower whose its master iz!! And well. It was an epic struggle, blood combined with water splattered the wallz, giving them colorz I never believed existed in this univerze!! O_o.. Omgz..
Tomorrow I+m going to my super hot gf, taking her for a ride on old halli ;-D*bliink*. And dude. I wanna hug that girl until she dropz dead. Or wait. I DID NOT mean that.. What I meant was... I like her alot :):):).. *poink*
Wellz wellz!!!... This is Chaz saying; Never underestimate the lust and craving after love. It can make even the ugliest ones beautiful!
:).. omg.. fuck.. now I wanna go and slay some goblinz!!;(/
Today I´m in Kalchuu.. Just excercisedzed my bodiez.Yez in plural.
And then I showed the shower whose its master iz!! And well. It was an epic struggle, blood combined with water splattered the wallz, giving them colorz I never believed existed in this univerze!! O_o.. Omgz..
Tomorrow I+m going to my super hot gf, taking her for a ride on old halli ;-D*bliink*. And dude. I wanna hug that girl until she dropz dead. Or wait. I DID NOT mean that.. What I meant was... I like her alot :):):).. *poink*
Wellz wellz!!!... This is Chaz saying; Never underestimate the lust and craving after love. It can make even the ugliest ones beautiful!
:).. omg.. fuck.. now I wanna go and slay some goblinz!!;(/
22 september, 2008
Today was the day when I finally came up with an idea to my upcoming Tattoo.. Or well The theme anyway. It´s gonna be extraterrestrial! =D oh.. I feel so good when thinking about it.. I really want it.. All the other times I havent been like that.. woow.. but now I´m WOOOOW! It´s so mee!! I always loved ufos, unexplained phenomena and such stuff! I´m really looking forward to it!:D SOON STHlm!! = sex 55 days in row!
Don´t miss my Poll! There is only ONE right answer. U should know it if u know me. I had it my msn name alot of times :).. Now I´m gonna hit the shower and let the water heal my newly gymmed body!
Don´t miss my chaz saying! I think I did it good today!
This is Chaz saying; A lie could be an untold truth.
Don´t miss my Poll! There is only ONE right answer. U should know it if u know me. I had it my msn name alot of times :).. Now I´m gonna hit the shower and let the water heal my newly gymmed body!
Don´t miss my chaz saying! I think I did it good today!
This is Chaz saying; A lie could be an untold truth.
21 september, 2008
Lista jag snott av Maria,som i sin tur tydligen stulit den från Marja(som jag såg igår på stuk föresten)
Jag Har:
(X) snott den här listan från nån
( ) rökt en cigarett
( ) rökt en cigarr
( ) varit hög
(x) varit full
( ) hånglat med någon av samma kön ( bara kysst på halsen)
(X) varit kär
(X) blivit dumpad (Men egentligen blev de tvingade av myndigheten, tror jag.. Jag menar, vem gör slut med mig ???!)
(X) dumpat någon (Myndigheten tvingade mig)
( ) fått sparken ( Men de borde ha gjort det, pwned nabz)
( ) varit i knytnävsslagsmål (Deltagit i det, men inte slagits tillbakz)
() rymt hemifrån (Men flyttat hemifrån)
() haft känslor för någon som inte kännt samma sak (Jag får de jag vill)
( ) blivit arresterad
( ) hånglat med en främling
( x) gått på en blinddejt ( Nästan iaf)
(x) ljugit för en kompis (Ljuger hela tiden)
( ) varit kär i en lärare (bara de heta i porn filmerna)
(x) skolkat (Myndigheten.. Again)
(x) legat med en medarbetare (It wasn´t my fault)
(x) sett någon dö (En på sjukhus, was... Strange)
(x) varit kär i en av mina internetkompisar (My first love, Pernilla! När jag var.. 12?)
( ) varit i Kanada
( ) varit i Mexiko
(X) flygit (Gillar att flyga på ben ^_^.. kan visa hur man gör)
( ) spytt i en bar ( Finns väl bättre ställen att spy på??)
() sett en del av dig själv brinna (Men jag skulle vilja vara som Human torch)
(X) ätit sushi (Koji och thai thai ftw!!! Wazabi for the ... omg.. It burnzz!)
(x) åkt snowboard (MÅNGA Gånger!! tydligen klär jag i hockey hjälm)
( ) crowdsurfat under en konsert ( Vill väl inta ta kål på hela publiken heller?)
( ) varit i ett våldsamt förhållande ( Räknas bdsm?)
(x) tagit smärtstillande ( Panodil?!)
(X) älskar och saknar någon just nu (Freddie mercury ;()
(x) legat på rygg och sett molnen flyga förbi (Roligt att kolla vad de ser ut som)
(X) gjort en snöängel ( Mina ser mer ut som paddor :( )
( ) haft ett te-party ( I drink my tea alone ;/)
(x) byggt ett sandslott ( För att sedan försöka förstora det och ERÖVRA VÄRLDEN MED GIGANTISKA KOTTAR!!MOAHAHAH)
(x) hoppat i en vattenpöl (Bara om någon står bredvid mig)
(x) lekt uppklädd ( Och avklädd)
(x) hoppat i en lövhög (Krattning ska aldrig underskattas)
(x) åkt släde (Tror det.. Eller ljuger mina minnen.. hmm)
(x) fuskat när du spelat spel (Blacksheepwall är ett bra fusk)
(X) varit ensam ( Wtf.. men har INTE varit ensamen. Ne nu blev jag arg på denna frågan)
(x) somnat i skolan/på jobbet (Ohh My.. Kan inte räkna gångerna ens.)
( ) använt ett falskt id
(X) tittat på en solnedgång (Yez, I´ve done that. But never. .. With.. popcorn)
() varit med i en jordbävning (Bara orgasmiska)
(x) rört en orm ( Jag har ett DIPLOM som bevis!! )
() sovit under stjärnorna
(X) blivit kittlad (Borde vara förbjudet, kränkande och elakt)
( ) blivit rånad ( Bara på godis ;()
(x) blivit missförstådd ( Blir jag hela tiden, Lär er förstå mig.)
( ) tagit hand om ett råddjur/en get (Räknas mina ex som det?)
(x) vunnit en tävling (Många kärleks tävlingar, + tumbrottningar)
(x) gått mot rött ( Och kört;(.. Dude they should never have given me the driverlicense)
( ) blivit avstängd från skolan (NOT YET T_T)
(x) varit i en bilolycka (Bara sådana jag orsakat själv, Again. De borde aldrig ha gett mig körkort)
(x) haft kramp ( Skrikit som en tjej i telefon tack vare kramp)
(X) kännt dig som en utstött (När Erica kollar på mig! I´m not worthy I´m not worthy!!)
(X) ätit ett helt glasspaket på en natt (Räknas hamburgare?)
(x) dansat i månljus (Dansa I månljus = Halli på väg hem från stuk)
( ) hatat ditt utseende (Eum.. How Could I ?? Just take a look on me dude)
(x) varit vittne till ett brott ( Erica stal mitt hjärta, I should report it)
(x) ifrågasatt ditt hjärta (Yez, But.. det slutar oftast bra)
( ) varit besatt av post-it lappar
(x) gått barfota i lera och pressat leran mellan tårna (Tyvärr..)
(x) varit vilse ( hatar sthlm, går alltid vilse)
(x) varit på andra sidan landet (Wot..)
(X) simmat i havet (Jaa... Även om man inte kalla det jag gör för simma)
(x) kännt som om du håller på att dö (Haft nå crazy sak över bröstet någon gång som skrämde mig)
(X) gråtit dig själv till sömns (mjaaa.. Men det var längesen)
(x) lekt polis och rånare (Dirty varianten ;)*Grrar*)
() sjungt kareoke (Stavas inte så, men yaya.)
() betalat för mat med bara mynt
(X) gjort något med dig själv som du inte borde gjort ( Ja! och nu kan jag inte skylla på myndigheten;( )
(x) busringt (När halli var liten)
(X) fångat en snöflinga på tungan (Även slickat upp massa regnvatten från en bänk. Resultat..Blev magsjuk)
() dansat i regn
( ) skrivit ett brev till tomten
(X) tittat på solnedgången tillsammans med någon du bryr dig om (Oh yea!)
(X) blåst bubblor (Även fått sådana bubblor blåsta på mig, speciellt i ögonen. hatar det)
(x) gjort upp eld på en strand ( I believe I have)
() förstört en fest (Halli, förstöra? Jag som är festen)
(x) åkt rullskridskor (äger på det^_^ Tack vara bandy I guess)
(X) fått en önskan inslagen ( Oh yea. I make my wishes come true )
( ) haft sex med en apa ( Again. Räknas mina ex?!. Oke det där var int snällt ;D. Lub ya all)
(X) burit pärlor (Tror jag RÅKATS göra det någon gång)
(x) hoppat från en bro ( mor och fars trappa är hemsk)
() ätit hund/katt-mat (No.....)
() sagt till en främling att du älskar honom/henne (Noooo)
() kysst en spegel (0)
(x) sjungt i duschen ( o mickey du är helt okey)
() burit en svart klänning
( ) drömt att du gift dig med någon
(x) limmat fast din hand i något (Limmat ihop fingrarna med varann)
() fastnat med tungan i metall
() kysst en fisk
( ) varit en cheerleader ( Inte än, men snart ska jag provhoppa för de=))
(X) suttit på ett tak (Yez, och det hölll!!)
( ) skrikit så att du inte fått luft
( ) byggt en kärra
( ) pratat i telefon i mer än sex timmar (Bara i 5,5 :(:()
(X) stannat uppe hela natten (I can go on alll nighty long baby!!!)
(x) inte duschat på en vecka (När jag lanat^_^)
( ) plockat och ätit ett äpple direkt från trädet
(x) klättrat i träd (Och ramlat från det:/)
() haft en träkoja
(x) är rädd för att titta på skräckfilm ensam (Oh yea! Inte bara ensamen!! T_T)
(x) tror på spöken (I love unexplained phenomena! )
( ) burit fula/annorlunda kläder i skolan för att höra vad folk säger (Bara för mgi själv)
() spelat kyckling (Hmm.. Not)
( ) blivit puttad i en pool med kläderna på (oh But I wish someone would do that ;))
(X) fått höra av en främling att du är het ( Säger bara. BOO FAKKIN YA)
( ) brutit ett ben (Never ever)
(x) fångat en fisk och sen ätit den (Många abborraarr!! Och .. Sånt..)
(x) fångat en fjäril (Leverfläcken är mitt bevis)
(X) skrattat så mycket att du grät (BOO YA! jag är så rolig :))
( ) gråtit så mycket att du skrattade (Wtf? kan man göra så??)
(x) fuskat på ett prov ( Don´t Tell em!!)
( ) haft en Britney Spears-skiva ( MEn kollat på mina lättkl'ädda bilder på henne)
(x) glömt någons namn ( hmm yez, Eva)
(X) sovit naken ( Gör jag alltid, abuse my peniz)
(x) svimmat (När jag fick isbollklimpen i ögat ;( )
( ) gråtit på tunnelbanan
(X) haft sex på offentlig plats ( Oh yea!! It was exciting!)
( ) legat med fler än tio personer
( ) snattat
(X) drömt att jag haft sex med en/flera vän/vänner ( Mhm! Det är skumt)
(x) pratat med en främling i mer än fem minuter (OJdå.-.- Ja.. Jag vill ha värme från de.)
( ) gett en uteliggare mer än 50 kronor ( Varför skulle jag =D. They SHOULD give ME moni!!!)
( ) spottat på någon jag ogillat ( Bara med penizen ;D*boYA!!!*
( ) hoppat bungyjump eller något annat riktigt äventyrligt (Hoppat från sängen)
(X) haft sex i en IKEAsäng ( TRor det.. I´m such a slut)
( ) haft sex i en IKEAsäng på ett IKEAvaruhus ( Oh.. Men i ett hus med mkt Ikea saker)
() varit otrogen (Nix!! Never will be)
(X) varit svartsjuk (yez! Men Är rätt cool av mig nu förtiden.)
(X) jag kan skriva utan att titta på tangenterna (De blir som varmare då)
Fuck. Denna tog länge. Hoppas ni uppskattar den och kommenterar den!
Jag Har:
(X) snott den här listan från nån
( ) rökt en cigarett
( ) rökt en cigarr
( ) varit hög
(x) varit full
( ) hånglat med någon av samma kön ( bara kysst på halsen)
(X) varit kär
(X) blivit dumpad (Men egentligen blev de tvingade av myndigheten, tror jag.. Jag menar, vem gör slut med mig ???!)
(X) dumpat någon (Myndigheten tvingade mig)
( ) fått sparken ( Men de borde ha gjort det, pwned nabz)
( ) varit i knytnävsslagsmål (Deltagit i det, men inte slagits tillbakz)
() rymt hemifrån (Men flyttat hemifrån)
() haft känslor för någon som inte kännt samma sak (Jag får de jag vill)
( ) blivit arresterad
( ) hånglat med en främling
( x) gått på en blinddejt ( Nästan iaf)
(x) ljugit för en kompis (Ljuger hela tiden)
( ) varit kär i en lärare (bara de heta i porn filmerna)
(x) skolkat (Myndigheten.. Again)
(x) legat med en medarbetare (It wasn´t my fault)
(x) sett någon dö (En på sjukhus, was... Strange)
(x) varit kär i en av mina internetkompisar (My first love, Pernilla! När jag var.. 12?)
( ) varit i Kanada
( ) varit i Mexiko
(X) flygit (Gillar att flyga på ben ^_^.. kan visa hur man gör)
( ) spytt i en bar ( Finns väl bättre ställen att spy på??)
() sett en del av dig själv brinna (Men jag skulle vilja vara som Human torch)
(X) ätit sushi (Koji och thai thai ftw!!! Wazabi for the ... omg.. It burnzz!)
(x) åkt snowboard (MÅNGA Gånger!! tydligen klär jag i hockey hjälm)
( ) crowdsurfat under en konsert ( Vill väl inta ta kål på hela publiken heller?)
( ) varit i ett våldsamt förhållande ( Räknas bdsm?)
(x) tagit smärtstillande ( Panodil?!)
(X) älskar och saknar någon just nu (Freddie mercury ;()
(x) legat på rygg och sett molnen flyga förbi (Roligt att kolla vad de ser ut som)
(X) gjort en snöängel ( Mina ser mer ut som paddor :( )
( ) haft ett te-party ( I drink my tea alone ;/)
(x) byggt ett sandslott ( För att sedan försöka förstora det och ERÖVRA VÄRLDEN MED GIGANTISKA KOTTAR!!MOAHAHAH)
(x) hoppat i en vattenpöl (Bara om någon står bredvid mig)
(x) lekt uppklädd ( Och avklädd)
(x) hoppat i en lövhög (Krattning ska aldrig underskattas)
(x) åkt släde (Tror det.. Eller ljuger mina minnen.. hmm)
(x) fuskat när du spelat spel (Blacksheepwall är ett bra fusk)
(X) varit ensam ( Wtf.. men har INTE varit ensamen. Ne nu blev jag arg på denna frågan)
(x) somnat i skolan/på jobbet (Ohh My.. Kan inte räkna gångerna ens.)
( ) använt ett falskt id
(X) tittat på en solnedgång (Yez, I´ve done that. But never. .. With.. popcorn)
() varit med i en jordbävning (Bara orgasmiska)
(x) rört en orm ( Jag har ett DIPLOM som bevis!! )
() sovit under stjärnorna
(X) blivit kittlad (Borde vara förbjudet, kränkande och elakt)
( ) blivit rånad ( Bara på godis ;()
(x) blivit missförstådd ( Blir jag hela tiden, Lär er förstå mig.)
( ) tagit hand om ett råddjur/en get (Räknas mina ex som det?)
(x) vunnit en tävling (Många kärleks tävlingar, + tumbrottningar)
(x) gått mot rött ( Och kört;(.. Dude they should never have given me the driverlicense)
( ) blivit avstängd från skolan (NOT YET T_T)
(x) varit i en bilolycka (Bara sådana jag orsakat själv, Again. De borde aldrig ha gett mig körkort)
(x) haft kramp ( Skrikit som en tjej i telefon tack vare kramp)
(X) kännt dig som en utstött (När Erica kollar på mig! I´m not worthy I´m not worthy!!)
(X) ätit ett helt glasspaket på en natt (Räknas hamburgare?)
(x) dansat i månljus (Dansa I månljus = Halli på väg hem från stuk)
( ) hatat ditt utseende (Eum.. How Could I ?? Just take a look on me dude)
(x) varit vittne till ett brott ( Erica stal mitt hjärta, I should report it)
(x) ifrågasatt ditt hjärta (Yez, But.. det slutar oftast bra)
( ) varit besatt av post-it lappar
(x) gått barfota i lera och pressat leran mellan tårna (Tyvärr..)
(x) varit vilse ( hatar sthlm, går alltid vilse)
(x) varit på andra sidan landet (Wot..)
(X) simmat i havet (Jaa... Även om man inte kalla det jag gör för simma)
(x) kännt som om du håller på att dö (Haft nå crazy sak över bröstet någon gång som skrämde mig)
(X) gråtit dig själv till sömns (mjaaa.. Men det var längesen)
(x) lekt polis och rånare (Dirty varianten ;)*Grrar*)
() sjungt kareoke (Stavas inte så, men yaya.)
() betalat för mat med bara mynt
(X) gjort något med dig själv som du inte borde gjort ( Ja! och nu kan jag inte skylla på myndigheten;( )
(x) busringt (När halli var liten)
(X) fångat en snöflinga på tungan (Även slickat upp massa regnvatten från en bänk. Resultat..Blev magsjuk)
() dansat i regn
( ) skrivit ett brev till tomten
(X) tittat på solnedgången tillsammans med någon du bryr dig om (Oh yea!)
(X) blåst bubblor (Även fått sådana bubblor blåsta på mig, speciellt i ögonen. hatar det)
(x) gjort upp eld på en strand ( I believe I have)
() förstört en fest (Halli, förstöra? Jag som är festen)
(x) åkt rullskridskor (äger på det^_^ Tack vara bandy I guess)
(X) fått en önskan inslagen ( Oh yea. I make my wishes come true )
( ) haft sex med en apa ( Again. Räknas mina ex?!. Oke det där var int snällt ;D. Lub ya all)
(X) burit pärlor (Tror jag RÅKATS göra det någon gång)
(x) hoppat från en bro ( mor och fars trappa är hemsk)
() ätit hund/katt-mat (No.....)
() sagt till en främling att du älskar honom/henne (Noooo)
() kysst en spegel (0)
(x) sjungt i duschen ( o mickey du är helt okey)
() burit en svart klänning
( ) drömt att du gift dig med någon
(x) limmat fast din hand i något (Limmat ihop fingrarna med varann)
() fastnat med tungan i metall
() kysst en fisk
( ) varit en cheerleader ( Inte än, men snart ska jag provhoppa för de=))
(X) suttit på ett tak (Yez, och det hölll!!)
( ) skrikit så att du inte fått luft
( ) byggt en kärra
( ) pratat i telefon i mer än sex timmar (Bara i 5,5 :(:()
(X) stannat uppe hela natten (I can go on alll nighty long baby!!!)
(x) inte duschat på en vecka (När jag lanat^_^)
( ) plockat och ätit ett äpple direkt från trädet
(x) klättrat i träd (Och ramlat från det:/)
() haft en träkoja
(x) är rädd för att titta på skräckfilm ensam (Oh yea! Inte bara ensamen!! T_T)
(x) tror på spöken (I love unexplained phenomena! )
( ) burit fula/annorlunda kläder i skolan för att höra vad folk säger (Bara för mgi själv)
() spelat kyckling (Hmm.. Not)
( ) blivit puttad i en pool med kläderna på (oh But I wish someone would do that ;))
(X) fått höra av en främling att du är het ( Säger bara. BOO FAKKIN YA)
( ) brutit ett ben (Never ever)
(x) fångat en fisk och sen ätit den (Många abborraarr!! Och .. Sånt..)
(x) fångat en fjäril (Leverfläcken är mitt bevis)
(X) skrattat så mycket att du grät (BOO YA! jag är så rolig :))
( ) gråtit så mycket att du skrattade (Wtf? kan man göra så??)
(x) fuskat på ett prov ( Don´t Tell em!!)
( ) haft en Britney Spears-skiva ( MEn kollat på mina lättkl'ädda bilder på henne)
(x) glömt någons namn ( hmm yez, Eva)
(X) sovit naken ( Gör jag alltid, abuse my peniz)
(x) svimmat (När jag fick isbollklimpen i ögat ;( )
( ) gråtit på tunnelbanan
(X) haft sex på offentlig plats ( Oh yea!! It was exciting!)
( ) legat med fler än tio personer
( ) snattat
(X) drömt att jag haft sex med en/flera vän/vänner ( Mhm! Det är skumt)
(x) pratat med en främling i mer än fem minuter (OJdå.-.- Ja.. Jag vill ha värme från de.)
( ) gett en uteliggare mer än 50 kronor ( Varför skulle jag =D. They SHOULD give ME moni!!!)
( ) spottat på någon jag ogillat ( Bara med penizen ;D*boYA!!!*
( ) hoppat bungyjump eller något annat riktigt äventyrligt (Hoppat från sängen)
(X) haft sex i en IKEAsäng ( TRor det.. I´m such a slut)
( ) haft sex i en IKEAsäng på ett IKEAvaruhus ( Oh.. Men i ett hus med mkt Ikea saker)
() varit otrogen (Nix!! Never will be)
(X) varit svartsjuk (yez! Men Är rätt cool av mig nu förtiden.)
(X) jag kan skriva utan att titta på tangenterna (De blir som varmare då)
Fuck. Denna tog länge. Hoppas ni uppskattar den och kommenterar den!
Awaken frmo the dead, Halli used his powerful genitals to wizz andd huzz until his dream came true. He finally understood, that living is not living without Pizza! Or for Halli, Pasta.
I rocked my azz to this snog yesterday! I´m looking forward to showing u all my super kewl movez!
This is Chaz saying; I´m not Nude, LIEE!!! HAHAHAHAH
I rocked my azz to this snog yesterday! I´m looking forward to showing u all my super kewl movez!
This is Chaz saying; I´m not Nude, LIEE!!! HAHAHAHAH
Lite full halli här. Ska göra en lista som jag stal av Marran nu. Sen ska jag äta fisk och sova!
Tio första:
Första bästa kompis: Elin , grannen
Första bil: Bubbla, som fortfarande står på gården
Första kärlek: Dubnnno.. Jag var such a slut
Första husdjur: Lucas tror jag.. minns honom inte dock.. Var iaf en hund
Första semester: ... jaadu.. Lyckselse tror jag.. De har zoo
Första jobb: Vaktmästare på folkhögskolan
Första köpta skiva: Eum,m... Wtf... Typ smufhits?
Första riktiga kärlek: Emelie.. Typ.. Eller. jaa.. Maria kanske..Dependz
Första piercing: Never had any.. men ögonbrynet snart kanske
Första konsert: .. hmm-...typ.. Jag vet itne... Bästa var då sonata iaf..
Nio sista:
Sista alkoholdrycken: jadu.. Vad drack jag ikväll... Var nog en Grasshopper^_^ en ny favvo drink :D
Sista bilfärd: När jag körde hem igår...från stan
Sista filmen du såg: The illusionist. Grymt bra
Sista ringda telefonsamtal: My love. Rnigde och sa godnatt
Sista bubbelbadet: Wtf.. Har jag någnosin badat bubbel baD? Man blir bara glad där nere då.
Sista spelade cd: Någon dålig blandskiva med Rodrigo y gabruiella och Scar symmetry,. Värdelös.
Sista kyss: Inte Nils iaf, Erica såklart^_^
Sista gången du grät: När erica åkte.
Sista måltiden: Hmm.. Fick nå rull macka sak med lax och såtn på.. hos micke. och nu ska jag äta fisk saken där jag gjorde igår:)
Åtta har du nånsin:
Dejtat en av dina bästa kompisar: Nix. Det suger.
Blivit arresterad? Njop
Blivit kär vid första ögonkastet? yezzz box!
Fått ditt hjärta krossat: Yez box!!! It sux. But I´m still here^_^
Sagt att du älskar någon utan att mena det? Nix bjox
Haft ett one night stand? Njix box. Will never have. Om jag får bestämma.
Busringt till nån? Yez box! det är det roligaste man kan göra med en telefon
Sju saker du har på dig:
1. hmm.. Wtf.. Naken,.
2. Eller vänta. Tenn armband
3. Cool ring
4. Tribal ring
5. Läder band från erica, på handleden
6. Glasögon
Sex saker du gjort idag:
1. Festat
2. Dansat som en galning
3. Sjungit högt och tydligt
4. Funderat på om jag är grymt snygg
6. Kollat på tatueringar
Fem favoritsaker just nu:
1. Erica, om hon räknas som en sak.
2. Min kropp
3. min stereo
4. Mat..
5. Dig
Fyra personer du kan berätta allt för:
1. Erica
2. Maria
3. Claire
4. Malin
Tre val:
Svart eller vit? Black as the whitest snow.
Sommar eller vinter? Summer.
Choklad eller chips? Choklad. Rätt gott att blanda chips och choklad dock..
Två saker att göra innan du dör:
1. Resa till alla coola platser
2. Ta fast nån seriemördare och få massa glam för det.
En sak du ångrar:
Att jag inte tog miljon lotten när jag köpte triss senast
This is Chaz saying; Love is something u cant predict, just go with the flow.
Tio första:
Första bästa kompis: Elin , grannen
Första bil: Bubbla, som fortfarande står på gården
Första kärlek: Dubnnno.. Jag var such a slut
Första husdjur: Lucas tror jag.. minns honom inte dock.. Var iaf en hund
Första semester: ... jaadu.. Lyckselse tror jag.. De har zoo
Första jobb: Vaktmästare på folkhögskolan
Första köpta skiva: Eum,m... Wtf... Typ smufhits?
Första riktiga kärlek: Emelie.. Typ.. Eller. jaa.. Maria kanske..Dependz
Första piercing: Never had any.. men ögonbrynet snart kanske
Första konsert: .. hmm-...typ.. Jag vet itne... Bästa var då sonata iaf..
Nio sista:
Sista alkoholdrycken: jadu.. Vad drack jag ikväll... Var nog en Grasshopper^_^ en ny favvo drink :D
Sista bilfärd: När jag körde hem igår...från stan
Sista filmen du såg: The illusionist. Grymt bra
Sista ringda telefonsamtal: My love. Rnigde och sa godnatt
Sista bubbelbadet: Wtf.. Har jag någnosin badat bubbel baD? Man blir bara glad där nere då.
Sista spelade cd: Någon dålig blandskiva med Rodrigo y gabruiella och Scar symmetry,. Värdelös.
Sista kyss: Inte Nils iaf, Erica såklart^_^
Sista gången du grät: När erica åkte.
Sista måltiden: Hmm.. Fick nå rull macka sak med lax och såtn på.. hos micke. och nu ska jag äta fisk saken där jag gjorde igår:)
Åtta har du nånsin:
Dejtat en av dina bästa kompisar: Nix. Det suger.
Blivit arresterad? Njop
Blivit kär vid första ögonkastet? yezzz box!
Fått ditt hjärta krossat: Yez box!!! It sux. But I´m still here^_^
Sagt att du älskar någon utan att mena det? Nix bjox
Haft ett one night stand? Njix box. Will never have. Om jag får bestämma.
Busringt till nån? Yez box! det är det roligaste man kan göra med en telefon
Sju saker du har på dig:
1. hmm.. Wtf.. Naken,.
2. Eller vänta. Tenn armband
3. Cool ring
4. Tribal ring
5. Läder band från erica, på handleden
6. Glasögon
Sex saker du gjort idag:
1. Festat
2. Dansat som en galning
3. Sjungit högt och tydligt
4. Funderat på om jag är grymt snygg
6. Kollat på tatueringar
Fem favoritsaker just nu:
1. Erica, om hon räknas som en sak.
2. Min kropp
3. min stereo
4. Mat..
5. Dig
Fyra personer du kan berätta allt för:
1. Erica
2. Maria
3. Claire
4. Malin
Tre val:
Svart eller vit? Black as the whitest snow.
Sommar eller vinter? Summer.
Choklad eller chips? Choklad. Rätt gott att blanda chips och choklad dock..
Två saker att göra innan du dör:
1. Resa till alla coola platser
2. Ta fast nån seriemördare och få massa glam för det.
En sak du ångrar:
Att jag inte tog miljon lotten när jag köpte triss senast
This is Chaz saying; Love is something u cant predict, just go with the flow.
19 september, 2008
So fookin good cover :) Everyone who knowz which song and what artist /group . Plz comment and if ur right. U get a free coookie ;d And some touchy touchy on my stomach.
Now I´m going to the gym.
This is chaz saying; I love my new boxers.
17 september, 2008
Video nr 1:
Death note opening 2 ^_^
Video nr 2:
To tired to write atm.. Just came home from ze gym and shower.. Now I´m gonna cook myself some syoper sweeet dinner... With paneng curry, chicken, paprica, purjolök, chjili and something else that I wont tell u .. Cos then u can copy it!!! MAHAHA pwned nabz!! just so.. lollish:)
Missing myu girl as usual:) But zoon!.. VELTY ZOOOON!! MOHAHA
This is chaz saying; If ur a lvl 20 monk, don´t pussy out!
Death note opening 2 ^_^
Video nr 2:
To tired to write atm.. Just came home from ze gym and shower.. Now I´m gonna cook myself some syoper sweeet dinner... With paneng curry, chicken, paprica, purjolök, chjili and something else that I wont tell u .. Cos then u can copy it!!! MAHAHA pwned nabz!! just so.. lollish:)
Missing myu girl as usual:) But zoon!.. VELTY ZOOOON!! MOHAHA
This is chaz saying; If ur a lvl 20 monk, don´t pussy out!
15 september, 2008
This is my blog. These are my thoughts. Not President bush, Not o.j Simpsons, Not urs. They are my own thoughts, my words, my my my my!!!^_^
Sooo. I spent my morning with jenz, and day, or so. We studied. we pwned. We studied. We ate piiiza. I ate a marinara piizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza!! Kinda sucked but yaya. Then we went to ze town. Bought some present for Micke;D for his moving in party ^_^ which I´m going to at saturday ^_^
Hmm.. The biggezt question for me now. Will I go to sthlm on next friday instead of 3 okt or whenever... :O... Would be.. so.. so.. fun.. ;d But I need moni :(:(.. Or well I guess I can afford .. but I need moni frmo csn.. .. FAST!"!! I wanna buy stuff^_^..
Baah .. I miss Erica.. I miss her smile, her eyes.. Her touch..her warmthj.. I miss every little thing T_T.. Damn it!
This is Chaz saying; Drugs are not cool, mmmkay?
Dream Theater - Forsaken
14 september, 2008
Chaz crying to ze song. Beautiful. The rain. the emotions. Dude chaz haz become such a pussy ;d Cryin all teh time >_<
Sooo.. It was a long time ago since I wrote here huh?.. Well .. Not much happened....
Chazzii boii is in love ;d or wghatever tha feeling is called now again ;D It feels weonderful anyway. Feeling like a schoolboi or so.. Lajk.. Zjoooperhapåpåpio!!
Oh.. I´m like.. overloaded with feelings.. Dunno where to begin.. Well.. For those who doesn´t know. Erica spent about a week @ my place. Like best week ever?!?!11oneoneeleven! Anyway.. aa.. ahh.. yea :).. chaz.. is good :)
Ahh.. Ya.. And now a song for my beloved girlfriend ^_~
This is Chaz saying; I´m not single. DnD plz
08 september, 2008
Maybe funfun time tomorrow? Or .. Wooot?! Everyday is funfun time for chaz!! But maybe with erica !?!?! WOOOT coming or not`That is the question.
07 september, 2008
04 september, 2008
Enjoy my small children of doom! I am chaz. Ur creator. ur destroyer. ur.. mother. Ur father. ur son. ur daughter. I am Chaz. The fear in ur heart. The tears on ur chest. The Calm on ur shoulder. I AM CHAZ!!!! I AM CHAz!! I AM SEX!! I AM CHAz!! I AM SEX!!
03 september, 2008
02 september, 2008
I am Chaz. Ur dream. Ur friend in need. I am the one u turn to, when u got problems with ur fingers. I am chaz.
Now the school has begun. And today I bought LAGBOKEn!! expensive shit. but hey. if ur gonna play with the big guys, u gotta pay and think big!!
Don´t got that many news. My days are running away like a german schoolboy would, if he saw me nude.
Tonight (19:30) I´m gonna do some body combat. Will be funfun!:d Hope I will do better than the last time, maybe I sucked cos it was my first time and that I´ve done the program once that day already?:(.. More naruto tonight! I love ROCK LEEE!!! and gai*AAAIIIEE*!
This is chaz saying; Germany is the founder of all evil.
HAHHA this is just fo fokkin greaT! watch the whole clip for me plz!!:d ahhahaha
Now the school has begun. And today I bought LAGBOKEn!! expensive shit. but hey. if ur gonna play with the big guys, u gotta pay and think big!!
Don´t got that many news. My days are running away like a german schoolboy would, if he saw me nude.
Tonight (19:30) I´m gonna do some body combat. Will be funfun!:d Hope I will do better than the last time, maybe I sucked cos it was my first time and that I´ve done the program once that day already?:(.. More naruto tonight! I love ROCK LEEE!!! and gai*AAAIIIEE*!
This is chaz saying; Germany is the founder of all evil.
HAHHA this is just fo fokkin greaT! watch the whole clip for me plz!!:d ahhahaha
30 augusti, 2008
OMGGG!!! this is party music !!! call me fag gay or whatevaah but THIs IS GOOD SHIT!!:d
And no Im not drunk. so u cant say that I like it cos i´m drunk.. .. it just påwnz!!
And no Im not drunk. so u cant say that I like it cos i´m drunk.. .. it just påwnz!!
Today.. I had the worst exam in my life. It SUCKED!! so I had to shop some boxers and a shirt so now i feel little bit bettah ^_^
Ohyea. Congratz maria 19 yrz old! Now go and eatur cake all alone!*pwneD* *naah hugz and congratz wishes from the halli family*
Tonight i´m gonna party like (wtf. I said wrong all this tmie...)tonight were gonna party like its 1699... DAMN:. fuck..how.. ... DAMN!!
Anyway.. bbq @ jenz then preparty @ jenz . then schlager night @ stuk ^_^ how swwweeet!!:D
Welllzwelllz.. Now i´m gonna wash my body with my milky alike schampoooo ;)*grr*
This is chaz saying; Rock the mountain with a rock.
Video was wished by maria.
Ohyea. Congratz maria 19 yrz old! Now go and eatur cake all alone!*pwneD* *naah hugz and congratz wishes from the halli family*
Tonight i´m gonna party like (wtf. I said wrong all this tmie...)tonight were gonna party like its 1699... DAMN:. fuck..how.. ... DAMN!!
Anyway.. bbq @ jenz then preparty @ jenz . then schlager night @ stuk ^_^ how swwweeet!!:D
Welllzwelllz.. Now i´m gonna wash my body with my milky alike schampoooo ;)*grr*
This is chaz saying; Rock the mountain with a rock.
Video was wished by maria.
28 augusti, 2008
tex tiwll come when I´m not nusy
wtf 3 videoz buy yaya! the bassplayer in this vid is like.. Huhh wtf crazy:d and apperently he´s very modest and fan friendly;d as he stood in their shop at a festival, selling t-shirts^^ :D kickzz!!
OKEEE just this last one ^_^ I promise!! it´s for someone speciazl!
27 augusti, 2008
Many kewl guys in that video:) watch and comment on which onez u see;d
Feeling like I wanna write down some beautiful shit :o so le´t ssee where it endz!
Baah 2 bad. I deleted it ;D was way to emo that poem:d
Let´s try a new one!!
oor.. yaa. yaya. Was gonna post it anyway. but shitty blogger never saved it t_T
yaya a new one then!!..
Afraid of finding what you are looking for, you keep on going taking the wrong path. Just to discover that the path you just took, is leading you towards exactly the same thing. Never giving up, you never want to find it. Hiding behind your lies, ignoring the truth, it´s so obvious, but still you keep on doing it. When will you learn that one day, you have to face it. Alone, just stripped down to your bones. Offering your whole soul, just to find out that it´s about to be stolen.
This is Chaz saying; Crayfish man never lied!:(
This is drunk halli agani. or wtf.. maybe hangover chaz .. dunnoz. Myu head hurtz like shit. maybe it was the bong we smokeD? I dunno. fyuck my head. Dude. Tonmioght. I was lke.. BORING first. never gonna drink beer only again.. I was like sleepy and boring.. But then we came o stuk. ordered long island, and .. red kicker .. and.. eum.. jäger meiseter .. and.. eum.. I dunno. I felt like dancing and shit anyway :d but everyone was like. NOOhhh. so I recored a movie at the toiklet. iot was fun!!. Then we went home to robin agani. Took some very dirty photos where we are.. well.. I´m not sure whaqt we did. but it feels like we did something that we shouldnt have done^_^.... yaya.. We watched lion king again haha a;d I was ghonna take a power napuntil the part where we last time paused.. but yea.. I was liek.. alone and bored;d needed a hug or two. Next time I want hugz from my secvret .. ghmm.. what shall I call her.. from my secret...lillfjun maybe? myee.. Htats coool^_^
Waahh.-.-... Gonna eat noodles. watch x-filez- andf .. yea.. sleep.. dude.. I´m like.. I dunno. hangover before hangover?. If u can be that .. Then I am ..
This is chaz saying; Love is not important if u got it from a donkey.
I just wanna cuddle and be near smoeone now t_T damn it. yaya my kingdom will come I guesss... I´, not alone. I´m sexy. I´m kind. I´m happy with myself. I´m.- cfhazz!!
Waahh.-.-... Gonna eat noodles. watch x-filez- andf .. yea.. sleep.. dude.. I´m like.. I dunno. hangover before hangover?. If u can be that .. Then I am ..
This is chaz saying; Love is not important if u got it from a donkey.
I just wanna cuddle and be near smoeone now t_T damn it. yaya my kingdom will come I guesss... I´, not alone. I´m sexy. I´m kind. I´m happy with myself. I´m.- cfhazz!!
25 augusti, 2008
Tonight I had to be awake to 05:00 AM. Damn u erica! :'(
I woke up 12 by mom calling me, and I saw that I had a new sms. From jenz, chaz got panic, I forgot!!1 I was supposed to pick hmi up in 25 minuteS!! *eek*
Dressed faster than I make sex, ran to the car and made a cool burnout*looked for ppl to see me ofc, how cool it was* Finally I arrived, 5 minutes late or so, but np!
Laterz I studied, slept, worked out at the gym and bought chocolate and bread^_^
oho like the scariest shit thing happened today! When I walked home frmo the gym, I saw some strange looking creature crawling at the road!*Chaz like scared* EEk I found a new insect!! but when I looked closer it was.. yes.. just a frog:( damn it.
Soon I´m gonna watch the orphange with klär, hopefully I wont jump SOO much :(
Maybe I should be tied to the bed ;/ so I can´t move .. Would be the safer my movie companion ^_^
Hmm.. Now clair came and ruined my super writing flow. blame her for the bad ending !!
Tonight I had to be awake to 05:00 AM. Damn u erica! :'(
I woke up 12 by mom calling me, and I saw that I had a new sms. From jenz, chaz got panic, I forgot!!1 I was supposed to pick hmi up in 25 minuteS!! *eek*
Dressed faster than I make sex, ran to the car and made a cool burnout*looked for ppl to see me ofc, how cool it was* Finally I arrived, 5 minutes late or so, but np!
Laterz I studied, slept, worked out at the gym and bought chocolate and bread^_^
oho like the scariest shit thing happened today! When I walked home frmo the gym, I saw some strange looking creature crawling at the road!*Chaz like scared* EEk I found a new insect!! but when I looked closer it was.. yes.. just a frog:( damn it.
Soon I´m gonna watch the orphange with klär, hopefully I wont jump SOO much :(
Maybe I should be tied to the bed ;/ so I can´t move .. Would be the safer my movie companion ^_^
Hmm.. Now clair came and ruined my super writing flow. blame her for the bad ending !!
24 augusti, 2008
This is chaz atm. Up and dancing. Sweaty but still so fickin COOOl!!!*jaahahhaaahah* CIOOO L AND SWEATY!! ^_^
More will come laterz!! Hope u appriciate ze vidaeo!!
This is chaz saying; Shut up woman, and dance!
23 augusti, 2008
That´s the ica sign we "found". And me posing with it :) nooo I wasn´t that drunk there :).. Really!! I was like sober :/ But Still phunny!
I kizz on the first date. Cos I´m such a naughty boy :)
Now 3 days of party has finnished. My genitals may finally rest.
Tonight i´m gonna watch movie with ze claire, who I danced very ... pervertish.. with. *-*... No wonder they thought we dated. damn camera that has to record everything!! Yaya we gonna go on a salsa course later this autmn anyway so I better get used to humping legz!
This is chaz saying; Living is not fishing
Tried like hell^_^ but fun evening!^_^ Alot of love :)
This video represents my tomorrow. So feel free to join me in bed^_^ atleast one girl is. The cuddly one! ^_^ miih. I´m soo gonna eat now. sandwhich wiiiith cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese! and some musli with... eun.. du... yoghyrt^_^
Third party day over. I made it! ALIVE and still kicking ass at the dance floor. I owned the gay guy^_^ and I hugged darth vadeR^_^ pew pew on that bitch!
This is chaz saying; X-files and cheese are my friends
This video represents my tomorrow. So feel free to join me in bed^_^ atleast one girl is. The cuddly one! ^_^ miih. I´m soo gonna eat now. sandwhich wiiiith cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese! and some musli with... eun.. du... yoghyrt^_^
Third party day over. I made it! ALIVE and still kicking ass at the dance floor. I owned the gay guy^_^ and I hugged darth vadeR^_^ pew pew on that bitch!
This is chaz saying; X-files and cheese are my friends
22 augusti, 2008
21 augusti, 2008
Today I´m gonna party like it was 1969!! 90´s party at stuk! Weehja! finalyl! best dance music ever!! wee I wanna dance. I hope my leg will carry me all the night :). Well now I gotta eat some lasagne!!! Party on!! excellent!!!
This is chaz saying; Katt på trapp.
This is chaz saying; Katt på trapp.
PLoink! this is drunk chaz writing to ya! Or well. medium drunk chaz anyway :d Wanna do this as an expierment to see how I write when I´m drunk :) Well anyway. I´ve just been at stuk. had to go home kinda early as I have to go up 7 and drive claire and her ajax to the vet . :( Well anyway I had fun tonight! I partied like it was 1969!!! And I danceed! Oh how I danced! I showed everyone how a real dance should look like!!
I danced and danced. Then I got some super drink from jenz who worked there today!! Dude.. It wasn´t a 4 thats for sure! maybe a 10 or so^^ baah ^^ WHY H'!!! Well anyway
me and claire found frisco!! our baby! I will keep him forever!! or well. atleast until tomorrow :) Then he will go to ... eum,.. ica.. and give me 10 kr!! I traveld in him. It was fun. then claire drove me in hmi asweel. it was even funnier!! or wait.. it was the other way around'!! she drove me firsT!! then or wait.. Maybe I said that?.. anyway. It was fun. got some shitt ass funny movie of it :)
Dude Im writing like a god! like zero misspelled wordZ?!!?!
anyway.- I need to go pee pee now and then Im gonna sleep!!
And this is for erica! I thought Kim was like. A guy first. made me sad panda. anyway . It´s just a teddybear !!m or just and just. A teddybear shall never be understimated!! I gave to birth to hermes !! And he still kickz ass!!
This is chaz saying; Drunken frsico love!
I danced and danced. Then I got some super drink from jenz who worked there today!! Dude.. It wasn´t a 4 thats for sure! maybe a 10 or so^^ baah ^^ WHY H'!!! Well anyway
me and claire found frisco!! our baby! I will keep him forever!! or well. atleast until tomorrow :) Then he will go to ... eum,.. ica.. and give me 10 kr!! I traveld in him. It was fun. then claire drove me in hmi asweel. it was even funnier!! or wait.. it was the other way around'!! she drove me firsT!! then or wait.. Maybe I said that?.. anyway. It was fun. got some shitt ass funny movie of it :)
Dude Im writing like a god! like zero misspelled wordZ?!!?!
anyway.- I need to go pee pee now and then Im gonna sleep!!
And this is for erica! I thought Kim was like. A guy first. made me sad panda. anyway . It´s just a teddybear !!m or just and just. A teddybear shall never be understimated!! I gave to birth to hermes !! And he still kickz ass!!
This is chaz saying; Drunken frsico love!
20 augusti, 2008
^_^ kickazz flash( Thx Plimon ) Text will cmoe later! Atleast I´m feeling a little bit better today!
Oh btw. My and MuGz magic cards went through an "random check"^^.. Guess they thought it was drugs and just had to rip open our big package at 20~ kg ^^.. yaya Now it´s even more delayed. fu!
19 augusti, 2008
Hello fellow readers! This is chaz speaking. I got something funny to tell.
My sis and nicklas baby Is gonna be named ANDREASS!!!
Oke.. maybe not. But ALMOST!! He´s gonna be named Edwin^_^ And I will call him Eddie!
The right answer on the latest poll I had ( the one I asked for my correct shoe size in) The answer is; 46. So congratulations... Everyone who said 46. ( Think I was the only one who "guessed" right^_^
Anyway. I still got fever, That´s what I get for snorting cocaine?
But my leg is feeling better, I´m not limping like dr.house anymore! Claire the best helped me out by shopping some panodils and nosespray ^_^ ooh What would I do without ya ?! Prolly just snort cocaine?
Spent most of my day in the bed, watching the olympics and slept. Made some crazy ass dinner that tasted wonderful ^_^
Later tonight I´m gonna watch "street kings" And talk with some crazy girl maybe. I´ll see how I´m feeling!
Tomorrow I´m hopefully feeling healthy enough to go to Stuk and meet some friends and let Jenz fill my drinks with alcoholic beverage ^_^ ( He´s bartender there)
I would like a big cheese, which never would end, I would call this cheese for my love. And treat HER with the biggest respect and love. I would eat u everynight ( don´t get any dirty thaughts. Oh why cheese..Why.. Why do U have to cost so much :( I just want a bite from ya.. Just a bite..
Clip of today is. kreator - tormentor. And the simple reason for having it here is. It pwnz?
Second clip of today is. NOTHING :: FFS TOOOOORMEEENTOR!!!! SING ALONG!!! TOOORMENNTOOR!!!!!! aaaaghH1!! tooooremtnro!!!!!!
Now I´m gonna lay down in my sweet bed, in my sweet pyjamas, feel the cold water slowly caressing my bare naked chest. I hope everyone is having a nice evening! I will!
This is chaz saying; Humans are easily betrayed by their own feelings. This is why I´m gonna become Cheeeseboy - The avenger!

This vid is for little claire! ( not from me to her) More like the text for her. Not FROM ME. baah. hard to explain! yaya good song.
My sis and nicklas baby Is gonna be named ANDREASS!!!
Oke.. maybe not. But ALMOST!! He´s gonna be named Edwin^_^ And I will call him Eddie!
The right answer on the latest poll I had ( the one I asked for my correct shoe size in) The answer is; 46. So congratulations... Everyone who said 46. ( Think I was the only one who "guessed" right^_^
Anyway. I still got fever, That´s what I get for snorting cocaine?
But my leg is feeling better, I´m not limping like dr.house anymore! Claire the best helped me out by shopping some panodils and nosespray ^_^ ooh What would I do without ya ?! Prolly just snort cocaine?
Spent most of my day in the bed, watching the olympics and slept. Made some crazy ass dinner that tasted wonderful ^_^
Later tonight I´m gonna watch "street kings" And talk with some crazy girl maybe. I´ll see how I´m feeling!
Tomorrow I´m hopefully feeling healthy enough to go to Stuk and meet some friends and let Jenz fill my drinks with alcoholic beverage ^_^ ( He´s bartender there)
I would like a big cheese, which never would end, I would call this cheese for my love. And treat HER with the biggest respect and love. I would eat u everynight ( don´t get any dirty thaughts. Oh why cheese..Why.. Why do U have to cost so much :( I just want a bite from ya.. Just a bite..
Clip of today is. kreator - tormentor. And the simple reason for having it here is. It pwnz?
Second clip of today is. NOTHING :: FFS TOOOOORMEEENTOR!!!! SING ALONG!!! TOOORMENNTOOR!!!!!! aaaaghH1!! tooooremtnro!!!!!!
Now I´m gonna lay down in my sweet bed, in my sweet pyjamas, feel the cold water slowly caressing my bare naked chest. I hope everyone is having a nice evening! I will!
This is chaz saying; Humans are easily betrayed by their own feelings. This is why I´m gonna become Cheeeseboy - The avenger!

This vid is for little claire! ( not from me to her) More like the text for her. Not FROM ME. baah. hard to explain! yaya good song.
16 augusti, 2008
Tonight I´m gonna party like it was 1969!
Today I wanna play this song or ya. As I saw them in finland. Or. I kinda missed them.. But I heard this song at distance atleast. Love it;D Even though.. I dont like them otherwize. but yaya.
Tonight I´m gonna have a crayfish dinnah over here. And then we gonna play some games and then go to ze sauna and who knows what happenz there! *Orgie warning*
Other news.. My grandpa is home now! wee wee!
Maria is going away tomorrow;( sux. But I wish her the best of luck and happiness overthere! And eat lotz of expensive pizza!
Maybe going to sthlm ?
I´ve had the fever for some days now.. sucky throat and so on. .. But Feeling a little better now!* okey i´m not but I wanna feel better (a)*
When I woke up today I turned my head to ze right and I discovered such a gay thing. I had wryneck. ( or somethign" nackspärr"). So Now i´ve been trying to fix it.. with hard massage, soft massage, all crazy things I tell ya!! but it´s still there. Maybe some kind sould could manage to kill it ?:(
Mom and dad came today. I helped em with some lifting @ byggmax, then I got alot of free stuff :D 'weeha'
Now I´m searching for some thread so I can put up my festivalballz..*Yes I am kewl*
Well Well fellow shitters, I´m gonna make myself some scrambled eggz now before I head for the shower =)*yes I´m showering nude*
And for the last time. I WONT STRIP FOR U ERICA!!! U NEED TO REFILL MAH CELLPHONE WITH 100 KR FIRST!!KEKE?!!?!11oneoneeleven!!
This is Chaz saying; Euuuuuuuuuww!!! Turtle poo!!
One of my fav songz^_^
Today I wanna play this song or ya. As I saw them in finland. Or. I kinda missed them.. But I heard this song at distance atleast. Love it;D Even though.. I dont like them otherwize. but yaya.
Tonight I´m gonna have a crayfish dinnah over here. And then we gonna play some games and then go to ze sauna and who knows what happenz there! *Orgie warning*
Other news.. My grandpa is home now! wee wee!
Maria is going away tomorrow;( sux. But I wish her the best of luck and happiness overthere! And eat lotz of expensive pizza!
Maybe going to sthlm ?
I´ve had the fever for some days now.. sucky throat and so on. .. But Feeling a little better now!* okey i´m not but I wanna feel better (a)*
When I woke up today I turned my head to ze right and I discovered such a gay thing. I had wryneck. ( or somethign" nackspärr"). So Now i´ve been trying to fix it.. with hard massage, soft massage, all crazy things I tell ya!! but it´s still there. Maybe some kind sould could manage to kill it ?:(
Mom and dad came today. I helped em with some lifting @ byggmax, then I got alot of free stuff :D 'weeha'
Now I´m searching for some thread so I can put up my festivalballz..*Yes I am kewl*
Well Well fellow shitters, I´m gonna make myself some scrambled eggz now before I head for the shower =)*yes I´m showering nude*
And for the last time. I WONT STRIP FOR U ERICA!!! U NEED TO REFILL MAH CELLPHONE WITH 100 KR FIRST!!KEKE?!!?!11oneoneeleven!!
This is Chaz saying; Euuuuuuuuuww!!! Turtle poo!!
One of my fav songz^_^
13 augusti, 2008
I am in luleå. I trained body combat twice today. I feeling like shit. I need bed. I need someone to hold me tight and cures my fever. This sux.
11 augusti, 2008
FLAV!! like wtf. kinda kewl! unga bbunga!! I love myself and my grandpa is gettin better? I think. He seemed fine atleast!
Now I´m gonna go to anton and drink whiskey !!! ( And watch nr 23. again.)
This is Chaz saying; Lorry was a great movie
10 augusti, 2008
Last day at work.. was TODAY!!1 HAHAHAHAHA *psycho laughter* I´m so happy!!
Sitting at work as I write, Finishing 21:30. My only evening at work. Well.. It wasn´t that bad;P
Except that I got shit scared yesterday. When a new oldie just stared with empty eyes into the wall, shaking and unreachable....I pooed myself and was just about to call the hospital, but then suddenly he "woke up".. Asking for coffe.. Im like wtf.... Scared..
And today it happened again.. Well.. Dunno wot to do.. His daughter told me to let it be.. But hey.. Wot if oldie die?:(:(
My grandpa Bertil is at the hospital:( They think he had " 10" ( en liten propp) He can´t see at one eye and is a little confused:(:(:( Get well grandpa! Love ya!
Now I gotta go to my last elder one! and then I will come back for some more writing! and posting some movie aswell!! BAY BAY
Back now. I may leave this building at 21,00 :D cos then the nighty squad comes;d
hmm.. yes a video clip!
I WANT MUFFINSZ!! Claire!!! I WANT EM NOW!!! and Emelie!! I want MOFFINZ!! when u come!!! DAMN IT!! MOMMyy!! get me moffinz!!! ( she baked blue berry moffinz today^_^).. We.. I want em now... MOFFINz!!
Turtle turtle on the wall, tell me, why are u hanging on the wall.
This is Chaz saying; Work should be used as a therapy method. It workz halli, it workz jo!
Sitting at work as I write, Finishing 21:30. My only evening at work. Well.. It wasn´t that bad;P
Except that I got shit scared yesterday. When a new oldie just stared with empty eyes into the wall, shaking and unreachable....I pooed myself and was just about to call the hospital, but then suddenly he "woke up".. Asking for coffe.. Im like wtf.... Scared..
And today it happened again.. Well.. Dunno wot to do.. His daughter told me to let it be.. But hey.. Wot if oldie die?:(:(
My grandpa Bertil is at the hospital:( They think he had " 10" ( en liten propp) He can´t see at one eye and is a little confused:(:(:( Get well grandpa! Love ya!
Now I gotta go to my last elder one! and then I will come back for some more writing! and posting some movie aswell!! BAY BAY
Back now. I may leave this building at 21,00 :D cos then the nighty squad comes;d
hmm.. yes a video clip!
I WANT MUFFINSZ!! Claire!!! I WANT EM NOW!!! and Emelie!! I want MOFFINZ!! when u come!!! DAMN IT!! MOMMyy!! get me moffinz!!! ( she baked blue berry moffinz today^_^).. We.. I want em now... MOFFINz!!
Turtle turtle on the wall, tell me, why are u hanging on the wall.
This is Chaz saying; Work should be used as a therapy method. It workz halli, it workz jo!
09 augusti, 2008
I wreitie al shity tomorrowz! cos last day tomorrowz! and then I will be so happy!:d ( last day @ work)
Welll... now i´m gonna... watch this video and dream about becoming so good ^_^
05 augusti, 2008
The future is what I do.
To start with I would like to congrat my beloved sis Maria and her boifriend Nicklas for the cool kiddo :)
Where to starT´? so much text to be written. But I am not the one to write them down for u. Or oke Maybe, just MAYBE I am .. But I am lazy. But to shorten it some..
I´ve been @ luleå kalaset friday, saturday/sunday. I met so many sweet ppl. Funniest days evvah or so ;d Feeling so fine now. Like usual I guess *-* . Hmm.. detalis about the days
Friday; PREPARTY at johannas place, many strange ppl which I had fun with:D met some crazy erica girl which I spent most of the night with. We saw machinae supremacy, millencolin and walked around? or so..Then i went home with claireeee and Morre . He paied the cab. I´m such a slut?
BAHHH OMg gotta go to sis and see the kideie now ;D
saturday info will come when I get home in some hours ;d abay
Saturday!; PREPARTY @ forskarvägen = not something I´ll do again;D Then we went to another preparty at östermalm. Which kinda pwned! Had a rap battle against some gällivare rapper. I owned him ..*silence*. Sang about Kalix, luleå, and stones.
Then me and anton had to hurry to kalaset. Ran with a winebox that we sent between us ( couldn´t take it in ofc). .. I HATE WINE FFS!
When we finally arrived, after some serious running, we met up with martha and saw cult of luna. so frikkin good... I actually made it to the newspaper with my super empty lookin face^_^..
After this we went to search for jenz .. I think... But we ended up in fiskekyrkan, where I showed everyone how to dance ~_~
Now ANTON was gone. My fellow companion from Kalix. Where did he go? Was he dead? Was he transformed into a turtle? NOOO he was alive, and still human. He had gone berserk at the tivoli area. Well he was found about 02,00 o´clock. Then we tried to find some tent where we could dance all night long!... That´s what we thought.. But everything was closed!! damn it! But from heaven above, a light shun, It was erica! The lost girl from yesterday! weeha. I suddenly didn´t feel so depressed about the dancing part again :). Now I said bye bye to claire and jenz and the gang. And went with anton to matstället where we met up with erica and gordon and anton and some random guy from kalix. We actually met bingo remier(no I can´t spell his name right). I guess he must have aged alot:( cos he was like 60 yrs old:( But still kickass!^-'
We made a jigsaw puzzle out of some spoon and fork. Gordon built it perfect! So impressed! The clock was now about 04,00 .. I think.. me, anton, and erica took a cabby home to my place and saw Shutter. Myea... I was scared... but not as scared as my fellow movie mates. *right? -_- * We hugged we snuggled and the day had now reached it perfection.
This is chaz saying; prlll prlll prlll * best scary sound evvah*
sweet txext
To start with I would like to congrat my beloved sis Maria and her boifriend Nicklas for the cool kiddo :)
Where to starT´? so much text to be written. But I am not the one to write them down for u. Or oke Maybe, just MAYBE I am .. But I am lazy. But to shorten it some..
I´ve been @ luleå kalaset friday, saturday/sunday. I met so many sweet ppl. Funniest days evvah or so ;d Feeling so fine now. Like usual I guess *-* . Hmm.. detalis about the days
Friday; PREPARTY at johannas place, many strange ppl which I had fun with:D met some crazy erica girl which I spent most of the night with. We saw machinae supremacy, millencolin and walked around? or so..Then i went home with claireeee and Morre . He paied the cab. I´m such a slut?
BAHHH OMg gotta go to sis and see the kideie now ;D
saturday info will come when I get home in some hours ;d abay
Saturday!; PREPARTY @ forskarvägen = not something I´ll do again;D Then we went to another preparty at östermalm. Which kinda pwned! Had a rap battle against some gällivare rapper. I owned him ..*silence*. Sang about Kalix, luleå, and stones.
Then me and anton had to hurry to kalaset. Ran with a winebox that we sent between us ( couldn´t take it in ofc). .. I HATE WINE FFS!
When we finally arrived, after some serious running, we met up with martha and saw cult of luna. so frikkin good... I actually made it to the newspaper with my super empty lookin face^_^..
After this we went to search for jenz .. I think... But we ended up in fiskekyrkan, where I showed everyone how to dance ~_~
Now ANTON was gone. My fellow companion from Kalix. Where did he go? Was he dead? Was he transformed into a turtle? NOOO he was alive, and still human. He had gone berserk at the tivoli area. Well he was found about 02,00 o´clock. Then we tried to find some tent where we could dance all night long!... That´s what we thought.. But everything was closed!! damn it! But from heaven above, a light shun, It was erica! The lost girl from yesterday! weeha. I suddenly didn´t feel so depressed about the dancing part again :). Now I said bye bye to claire and jenz and the gang. And went with anton to matstället where we met up with erica and gordon and anton and some random guy from kalix. We actually met bingo remier(no I can´t spell his name right). I guess he must have aged alot:( cos he was like 60 yrs old:( But still kickass!^-'
We made a jigsaw puzzle out of some spoon and fork. Gordon built it perfect! So impressed! The clock was now about 04,00 .. I think.. me, anton, and erica took a cabby home to my place and saw Shutter. Myea... I was scared... but not as scared as my fellow movie mates. *right? -_- * We hugged we snuggled and the day had now reached it perfection.
This is chaz saying; prlll prlll prlll * best scary sound evvah*
sweet txext
31 juli, 2008
30 juli, 2008
The day I met my savior. Was not today.
The day I was in luleå and had fun was today.
But let us start the story yesterday morning.
I woke up. Went tot the skärgård. Where I kinda spent my day.. 7 hours or so at the ocean! Can it be betteR?:d oh yea I could have spent it with wonderwoman I gues.. Or even bette.r with ...... Gillian Anderson. (sweeet)
Today I woke up about 8 o´clock. Used my toothbrush. And tried to iron my wet t-shirt (don´t got any naughty thoughts now! just cos I said wet t-shirt). oh well.. I can´t be best at everything. the ironing went to hell. And my t-shirt is still wet. I even tried to blow it( no dont even think about it) with my hairblower(?).. and it was an epic failure...
After this small disaster I went to the bussss where I met a busdriver. He drove the bus.
Then I met Marran. We ate BRUNCH( eeeek! my first brunch?=!) It was funfun. We both are so sexy! (atleast I am????). Then we met my sis and roberth and emil and aebbae. And then I weent with em to storheden where we met up nicklas and sis maria. We later went to my place, where we did some nice cakeeating madness.
I went to h&m . Bought some things I gonna wear at friday ( luleå kalseet) . And I´m gonna color my hair again now. Tired of it... Some atleast;d.. Gonna color it grey to the cold weinter. So I look like Mr.freeze from batman. ( look at the picture for his goodlooking face) ( yes it´s arnold)
Hmmm.......... I made dinner today. expensive shit. but this is not the time to talk about this! cos now mommy tells me she has started the MIXING of the coLOOORS!!!! OH NOo!!! I ghiotta hurry!!
This is chaz saying; My love is free, But my heart is not.
(see ya at friday millencolin!)
27 juli, 2008
Dedicated to wonderwoman.
Yaaa Home now. Just ate some bbq O_oO_o
Sooo.. Now.. I´m supersexy.. and... Having the time of my life. which kinda rules:)I´m gonna workout soon.. And then do my super scrub shower thingy:).. Bought some superexpensive scrub yesterday.. Or for me it was supersexpensive atleast. ( 130 kr or zooo) It´s called weleda or something;D
Hmm.. wot else.. yea. yesterday someone tried to give me moni.. AGAIN!! I´m like wtf... I just made u some meatballz!!!!
ooh... I´m missing some tounge .... I want some tounge.. ... gib me!!!
This is Chaz saying; I feel a disturbance in the force
Yaaa Home now. Just ate some bbq O_oO_o
Sooo.. Now.. I´m supersexy.. and... Having the time of my life. which kinda rules:)I´m gonna workout soon.. And then do my super scrub shower thingy:).. Bought some superexpensive scrub yesterday.. Or for me it was supersexpensive atleast. ( 130 kr or zooo) It´s called weleda or something;D
Hmm.. wot else.. yea. yesterday someone tried to give me moni.. AGAIN!! I´m like wtf... I just made u some meatballz!!!!
ooh... I´m missing some tounge .... I want some tounge.. ... gib me!!!
This is Chaz saying; I feel a disturbance in the force
26 juli, 2008
And i like beavis and butthead:D
HGmm.. News...
Sis and roberthhh and kiddiz are here! Superfun ! And my old room is looking strange;d
hnm.. mjea.. I got lunch now.. Began some GI thingy today. Eating eggs for my survival or so *-)
Hmm.. Yea.. I got u babe!! PEw pew =D
FEW HOURS LATER: I am back from work! Sitting here, enjoying the first video I posted today. vely nice. Gonna do my super workout soon. I´m feeling so sexy nowadays ^-^
Aniiiwaii. The day went supergood. I worked. I owned some old ppl. And one of em tried to give me monii. For the second day in row!.. I really must look like a prostitute? T_T
Some ppl go to helsingborg festivalen. I go to luleå kalaset instead!! Next week that is. Will be superfun^_^. Hopefully alot of ppl are willing to dance with me :) I like to dancE^_^ I dance .. alot.. I dance... good..I dance.. all night!!! weehaa!
Kitties are not to be trusted.
This is Chaz saying; I am sex. Think about that when you are having intercourse (Chaz) next time.
oke.. That´s just plain disgusting:(
24 juli, 2008
21 juli, 2008
Today. I worked.
And yea. Alot of stuff;d
Well anyway. I feel like writing something phunny. So I´ll make a poll!!:d *If I just figure out how to*.. hmm yes.. I got some secret help!! mihih
ah yea wtf
so funny:D haha ffs.. I feel so bad for that guy.. but hey it was funny:d to bad he got fired;D yeye I can´t write now.. damn it ;d funny:d
And now to the best lyrics in thw woerld;d
The water's edge
Is where she waits
Lost soul still wandering
Meant to die
But she's stuck not crossing over
The other side
Is where he waits
His spirit reaching out
Meant to save
But she's too scared
to take his hand
Living in a world without you
(drowning in the past)
Is living in no world at all
So now I call on you
Remember me?
I gave you life
You would not take it
Your suffering
was all in vain
It's almost over now
Don't turn your back on paradise
Feeling scared, she's prepared
To give up everything
She can't stand
to feel like half of her is fading
He will choose
the only way
To rid her of her pain
Take her soul now
The decision has been made
Living in a world without love
(a burden to my soul)
Is living in a worthless world
So I will call on you...
Remember me?
I gave you life
You would not take it
Your suffering
was all in vain
It's almost over
Remember me?
You were so young
How could I tell you?
Remember me?
I am the one
Who saved your life that night
I was the one
who would not abandon you
Even in death
I was the one
who would not leave you
I used my freedom to protect you
And all the while direct you
Do you remember me this time?
Even in death I gave you life
I gave you life
I wanted to deserve a place
A place beside you
This time when I reached out my hand
It reached all the way to heaven
Remember me?
I gave you life
You would not take it
Your suffering
was all in vain
It's almost over now
It's almost over now
It's time
I release you from this life
Don't turn your back on paradise
or well. best at the moiment.
19 juli, 2008
Weha!!! Long time no work!! wehaa!!
I´m in luleå. Going zexy etc.
Atm I´m watching Saw 2. Kinda pwnz:) or sux.. I havent decided yet ..
Earlier today me and claire had cleaning mayhem in mah apartment. Its super clean and super chilling:) I´ve been so fucked up in mah soul when It havent been clean. But still I havent done anythnig about it.. Í´m strange. But it feels very nice. Everythnig old is gone. And now I can finally(?) open my french balcony :). Kinda sweet air!!! And as a thanks for the cleaning help. I made dinner for me and Claire. Chicken a la Halli ( Chicken with paeneng curry and onion, lime, paprikKKA, salladonion(?!) wtf dunno the name for it :D.... I "Suited up" as they say in "how I met ur mottha" And so did Klär. We drank wine... or well. She did. I drank trocadero *-)... Gay wine.. But I felt grown up just by having wine home :)
After the dinner we saw "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay " Super funny movie trofl;D Learned myself a new trick from that movie that I will use as a "Halli move" from now on:)
Tomorrow Its party at hallis PLace. ur all welcome, and bring ur friends aswell!! The more the funnier!! There will be beer and Cider testing aswell as Sauna :)))
Hmm yea... MOvie started now. Guess I have to go and make room for my small blue boxershorts butt :)
This is Chaz saying; True feelings are those you can´t really feel or touch.
And yes. I´ve figured all these Chaz sayings all by myself!!! I am smart, sexy and very phunny :) Don´t forget that! Bay
I´m in luleå. Going zexy etc.
Atm I´m watching Saw 2. Kinda pwnz:) or sux.. I havent decided yet ..
Earlier today me and claire had cleaning mayhem in mah apartment. Its super clean and super chilling:) I´ve been so fucked up in mah soul when It havent been clean. But still I havent done anythnig about it.. Í´m strange. But it feels very nice. Everythnig old is gone. And now I can finally(?) open my french balcony :). Kinda sweet air!!! And as a thanks for the cleaning help. I made dinner for me and Claire. Chicken a la Halli ( Chicken with paeneng curry and onion, lime, paprikKKA, salladonion(?!) wtf dunno the name for it :D.... I "Suited up" as they say in "how I met ur mottha" And so did Klär. We drank wine... or well. She did. I drank trocadero *-)... Gay wine.. But I felt grown up just by having wine home :)
After the dinner we saw "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay " Super funny movie trofl;D Learned myself a new trick from that movie that I will use as a "Halli move" from now on:)
Tomorrow Its party at hallis PLace. ur all welcome, and bring ur friends aswell!! The more the funnier!! There will be beer and Cider testing aswell as Sauna :)))
Hmm yea... MOvie started now. Guess I have to go and make room for my small blue boxershorts butt :)
This is Chaz saying; True feelings are those you can´t really feel or touch.
And yes. I´ve figured all these Chaz sayings all by myself!!! I am smart, sexy and very phunny :) Don´t forget that! Bay
16 juli, 2008
15 juli, 2008
Long lunch day =)
I DONT WATCH PORn:( it gives me viruz! dont trust her!
Omfg I like had the best adventure of my life yesterday. Went to bed 05,00. Slept 1,5 hour. Work ^^...Damn u girl! =d
Update will come later today. when I slept for like 2 days..That´s not possible though. If u want the update today that is.. so ..maybe 1 hour atleast=D Fuck my calf is still spasming^^.. fuck it! why ?!?!
Anyway. Now I´ve slept at the computer. With my face at the keyboard. It didn´t feel nice.
I am happy for anton! He finally got his electric guitar and seems so happy about it :D*weeha*
Tomorrow I´m going to Luleå for some days ( wednesday - sunday). Will be funfun. But sry to say. I won´t have my wonderwoman with me :(...
But one day she will come! and then luleå. U have to watchout :) Cos then I´m gonna dance salsa all night, and drink wine and eat cheese .. and carrots. I guess.. Why do everyone think I´m into carrots? ffs... I´m just a normal guy .. with normal boy thoughts.. and feelings.. *sniff sniff*. I don´t wanna be mr carrot boy:(
This is Chaz saying; Love is like war, pew pew
14 juli, 2008

Every boy is dreaming of finding the ultimate porn site. Where is it ?
Is it free ? Maybe u have to pay? Is the ultimate porn site worth paying for ? Maybe even kill ur neighbours for? I´m just asking.. I don´t have the answers.. just the questions.. And I will never quit my search for it. Never.
I worked. Now I´m gonna eat. Then i´m gonna workout. Then I´m gonna search for the ultimate porn site.
This is chaz saying; I do not fear death, because I cannot die.
This song is from my flash movie :)
12 juli, 2008
This is the relax day
Like 5 hours of work. 4 hours of rest. ( sleep at work, sunbathing, and talking nonsense)
Video of the day is my super cool band called" queens of the stone age"
And well.. I´m kinda lazy today. I don´t feel like writing that much;D wrote to much for Minky already. Damn presentation. Took the writing power out of me:(
This is chaz saying; make moffins, not love.
Like 5 hours of work. 4 hours of rest. ( sleep at work, sunbathing, and talking nonsense)
Video of the day is my super cool band called" queens of the stone age"
And well.. I´m kinda lazy today. I don´t feel like writing that much;D wrote to much for Minky already. Damn presentation. Took the writing power out of me:(
This is chaz saying; make moffins, not love.
11 juli, 2008
Once upon a time, there was this girl, called ***** aka 5 star.
This girl made my bed look sweaty. Now... Its dry.
weeha they smell nice
Anyway. Got lunch now. sitting here with my musli, nektarin, and a crazy sandwhich. I like sitting here.
The call to my mysterious girl never reached reality, I fell asleep :( but today is a new day! and I will rise from the ashes of yesterday and beef my confidence up!
No one is online atm.. But hey ffs. i am so nervous!!!!
My apartment, the one I been standing in line for. Will end today!!! at 00,00!!.. and I´m nr2 in line ;d *halli doing the SWEEET noize* So everyone who reads this. Ur welcome to my super move in party ;d. If i get it that is.
Anyway. Soon work again. and then I´m going to dinner with mom, dad, sister 1, and her boifriend Nicklaz. Will be cool I guess!
Aooh yaa..ah.. ye,,, I finally finished the largest book I´ve ever read. It´s called "the face" and it kinda pwned! *or well, I donno... I´m not pro in books, but It kinda looked good I guess*
And there was alot of sexual stuff in it ^_^ Which I ofcourse Enjoyed deeeply.
This is chaz saying; There is no man/woman called God, it´s just an imaginary friend we have in our mind, who helps us through tough times.
Video of the day Is something explicit.
This girl made my bed look sweaty. Now... Its dry.
weeha they smell nice
Anyway. Got lunch now. sitting here with my musli, nektarin, and a crazy sandwhich. I like sitting here.
The call to my mysterious girl never reached reality, I fell asleep :( but today is a new day! and I will rise from the ashes of yesterday and beef my confidence up!
No one is online atm.. But hey ffs. i am so nervous!!!!
My apartment, the one I been standing in line for. Will end today!!! at 00,00!!.. and I´m nr2 in line ;d *halli doing the SWEEET noize* So everyone who reads this. Ur welcome to my super move in party ;d. If i get it that is.
Anyway. Soon work again. and then I´m going to dinner with mom, dad, sister 1, and her boifriend Nicklaz. Will be cool I guess!
Aooh yaa..ah.. ye,,, I finally finished the largest book I´ve ever read. It´s called "the face" and it kinda pwned! *or well, I donno... I´m not pro in books, but It kinda looked good I guess*
And there was alot of sexual stuff in it ^_^ Which I ofcourse Enjoyed deeeply.
This is chaz saying; There is no man/woman called God, it´s just an imaginary friend we have in our mind, who helps us through tough times.
Video of the day Is something explicit.
10 juli, 2008
Today was a day off!
Had 2 day off from work now;P
It has been super fun. Mainly I´ve worked out, played ps3, played chess and seen some movie:) To bad it has been so frikkin rainy:( wanted to go out the 2 days I couldT_T
Well I havent wroten that much the past days. Took some days off from the blog aswell;D as I see it as my work!!!
Soon i´ve read my book :p. Few pages left. which I saved for today ;). Yes I´m gonna call my secret girl today! first time. Weeil be so exciting? is that the word for it ? or special? or maybe even extra ordinary?:) who knows. All I know is that I will do my best to not embaress myself:)
Tomorrow is work day. And I was supposed to have a short vacation from work ( 1 week, starting monday) But apparently some bitch just had to get sick and now they called me!. so I have to work monday, tuesday and wednesday :(. But that´s good money;). And then I got vacation from wednesday til monday ;-p. Maybe someone wanna party party?
Well that will be enough for today!. Have to help out daddy with some "toilet cleaning" or something.
This is chaz saying; Life doesn´t always sex u in ur behind. But when it does, u can be sure of that it hurts.
Good memories! Sonata arctica in haparanda;D yes the audience is dead. But I headbanged and sang alot! ^_^
Had 2 day off from work now;P
It has been super fun. Mainly I´ve worked out, played ps3, played chess and seen some movie:) To bad it has been so frikkin rainy:( wanted to go out the 2 days I couldT_T
Well I havent wroten that much the past days. Took some days off from the blog aswell;D as I see it as my work!!!
Soon i´ve read my book :p. Few pages left. which I saved for today ;). Yes I´m gonna call my secret girl today! first time. Weeil be so exciting? is that the word for it ? or special? or maybe even extra ordinary?:) who knows. All I know is that I will do my best to not embaress myself:)
Tomorrow is work day. And I was supposed to have a short vacation from work ( 1 week, starting monday) But apparently some bitch just had to get sick and now they called me!. so I have to work monday, tuesday and wednesday :(. But that´s good money;). And then I got vacation from wednesday til monday ;-p. Maybe someone wanna party party?
Well that will be enough for today!. Have to help out daddy with some "toilet cleaning" or something.
This is chaz saying; Life doesn´t always sex u in ur behind. But when it does, u can be sure of that it hurts.
Good memories! Sonata arctica in haparanda;D yes the audience is dead. But I headbanged and sang alot! ^_^
09 juli, 2008
Can´t believe this band haven´t even done their first EP yet! this band åpwnz! They brought grunge back! I thank u ;D
And now a cover by pearl jam,. Last kiss :) sweet lyrics. That sometimes make me think abött stuff
08 juli, 2008
Today was workday. Then I went to luleå!!!! Went to luleå with maria and nicklas, they bought crazy shit playstation 3 :D with call of duty 4 ;D so after luleå we played it for some hours ;D*tihih*
Anyway . then I went to anton. finnished th emovie "delirious"
wonderful movie about love and stuff ;P gonna watch it again and again with everyone who wanna see it with me ^_^* just msg me * ;d
And finally claire can relax, *about frikkin time biotch* U made me nuts*
well.. I´m lazy now. so I write more tomorrow. no work for 2 days. = happy time
Movie of the day is.
It´s gosu.
This is chaz saying; I challenge u on a fight to the bed, with pillows.
EDIT! stone temple pilots - atlanta. most beautiful song evvah
Anyway . then I went to anton. finnished th emovie "delirious"
wonderful movie about love and stuff ;P gonna watch it again and again with everyone who wanna see it with me ^_^* just msg me * ;d
And finally claire can relax, *about frikkin time biotch* U made me nuts*
well.. I´m lazy now. so I write more tomorrow. no work for 2 days. = happy time
Movie of the day is.
It´s gosu.
This is chaz saying; I challenge u on a fight to the bed, with pillows.
EDIT! stone temple pilots - atlanta. most beautiful song evvah
07 juli, 2008
Video of the day is;
Always forcing some tears out of my small almost goblin like eyes! :'(
QAnyway nice vidoe. and nice day today. except the worst night ever and morning btw^^
Woke up , cos i had the worst dream I had in years. No details in here! But it wasn´t fun :(
Then I was just about to fall asleep when my alarm goes of. Time to wake up halli T_T
And I felt so angry and depressed after that shitty dream.. So i like.. felt bad the whole morning. My dreams are sometimes feeling so real that I actually think they happened^^ But just about now I realized that it was just a dream. But I can´t let go of one thing in my dream. The day 6th of august.. If someone is doing something special at that date. then tell me!! before it´s all to late for ya!
Well work today. kinda lazy day.. But its money and so.. strip my crown, I am still ur masteR!
This is chaz saying; Dreams should be recorded.
Always forcing some tears out of my small almost goblin like eyes! :'(
QAnyway nice vidoe. and nice day today. except the worst night ever and morning btw^^
Woke up , cos i had the worst dream I had in years. No details in here! But it wasn´t fun :(
Then I was just about to fall asleep when my alarm goes of. Time to wake up halli T_T
And I felt so angry and depressed after that shitty dream.. So i like.. felt bad the whole morning. My dreams are sometimes feeling so real that I actually think they happened^^ But just about now I realized that it was just a dream. But I can´t let go of one thing in my dream. The day 6th of august.. If someone is doing something special at that date. then tell me!! before it´s all to late for ya!
Well work today. kinda lazy day.. But its money and so.. strip my crown, I am still ur masteR!
This is chaz saying; Dreams should be recorded.
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